*Chokmah (PART 5)

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Eventually, I manage to keep a part of myself withheld enough to observe and take note of the flowing current. My knees are jelly, as is the rest of me, both physically and emotionally, but that's all right, it's a good jelly state. Very, very good jelly. I'll just sit here and be jelly for a while, shall I?

Except I can't, because we're doing work. Rats.

"Water is a very useful element to channel through another person. It's not just a way to arouse emotions and encourage surrender; Water is also a healing element. There are far worse ways to encourage healing than through a touch, or a gentle kiss. It's also good for dreams and visions; a well-directed kiss can be transforming. Come to think of it, a touch or a kiss of Fire can heal and transform, too, but Fire is not a gentle element to work with, as I have emphasized from the beginning of your education - Fire is purifying, and its purification sears. Indeed, the root of purify is pur, the Greek word for Fire. Water can be dangerous in its seductive power, but it's a much gentler way to encourage healing and transformation than Fire is, provided it does not drown your subject. Now. Try it on me."

I blink at him.

"Beloved one, it is important that you practice this skill and master it before you try using it on another person - especially with the Water element, which can be elusive and tricky. That is why we are here today, by the river rapids: to use its proximity to help you focus and boost your power. I do not think you will hurt me. Aren't you just a little curious about what you might bring out in me? I am." He leans his forehead against mine. The sudden sensation of being touched by his presence is impossibly intimate. "It's all right," he whispers. "I trust you to not shatter me if you hold me."

I take his face between my hands, drawing on the misty air, the river that surges below us. He starts to tremble. "Se philo," he whispers, and closes his eyes.

Then our lips meet.

Deep within, a warm, flowing current pulses. It wants to swell. I am profoundly thirsty, and oh, I'm hungry. Swell the current. Raise the river, bring down the rain, overflow. Overflow your life into my mouth, and my dear love, let me in, let me in. I have never needed anybody so, and here, you need me too, I can taste it in your kiss, in every wave I drink in, I am here, let us float together. I will hold your head above the water. Let us swim in love, rushed along the currents at flood. We will swim in eternal bliss.

You are so vulnerably beautiful, naked in this torrent.

When I break the contact and release his face, I see a drop of blood pooling on his lower lip.

His eyes are astonished when he opens them. "My God," he whispers. "My God. I didn't know that it was like that for you."

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