random london stotch headcanons

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random headcanons for my south park character cuz i can:

- london's spent the night in jail on a few occasions. one time she got busted for punching a gas station cashier because he called her a bitch for paying in pennies.

- sometimes london will go to stores and pay in pennies if she doesn't like the person working the register. or sometimes she does it just because she wants to.

- london has zero artistic ability, except for graffiti art. sometimes she'll stay up and run the streets with her spray paint can. it's gotten her arrested a few times.

- london's done cocaine before. she was sixteen and hanging out with some college kids and did it. she doesn't remember most of that night, but she was really lucky she didn't overdose.

- london's known for being the girl who sneaks off to college parties by herself. especially when she's in an off-period with pete. she's well known at denver u by those in the party scene, surprisingly.

- london had a kitten when she was twelve but her dad got mad she didn't do her homework one night and he killed it. so, london doesn't like leaving salem alone at her house. craig often watches her when london's not around. he likes animals he doesn't have to constantly keep an eye on. plus, salem and stripes vibe together.

- london's favorite fruit is blackberries or kiwi. she hates blueberries.

- london taught karen, kevin, and kenny how to braid. karen's well known for her pigtail braids in elementary and middle school. london learned from butters.

- london and kenny get a dog shortly after they get married. it's a german shepherd. she has a tendency to hide london and kenny's shoes when they leave for work in the morning. london and kenny tried to leave their shoes on top of the refrigerator, but they stopped when they found her climbing on the cabinets to get them one morning.

- london's least favorite colors are grey and yellow. everyone assumes she dislikes pink, but she actually really likes the color pink when combined with black.

- detective harris calls london 'stitches'. he calls her that because it's a play on her last name and also because she threw a spray paint can at him one time and it cut his cheek and he had to get stitches.

- london loves cheeseburgers with extra pickles. also coffee ice cream. guaranteed "london will eat this" things.

- when london was in middle school, her socks never matched. she wore the same pair of chunky black boots everyday that didn't show her socks at all, so she never bothered to match her socks.

- london's worst fear is drowning. if she ever were to die, the only way she'd not be okay dying is by drowning.

- london hates the beach. swimsuits that show skin, water to drown in, and sand in every crevice of your body? no thank you. she doesn't mind the beach at night/sunset when it's cooler and she can wear a hoodie, but otherwise? nope!

- london's favorite flavor of anything is blue raspberry or green apple. she used to be obsessed with mango-strawberry smoothies in middle school, but eventually she drank them so much that now she's sickened by them. she dislikes anything strawberry-flavored at all, and she's picky about mango flavoring.

- london almost choked and died on a quarter once. while waiting for stan and his group to leave a store, she and butters were in the water fountain at the mall, stealing the coins, when the security guard approached them. butters got scared and threw the coins everywhere, and a quarter landed in butters's mouth. butters had panicked and ran away and the security guard was chasing him, while london's face was blue. however, stan and his group came out of one of the stores and kyle went over and smacked london in the back with the heel of his hand and she managed to cough it up.

- when kenny was dead for a full year in season six, london wore his orange parka underneath her leather jacket.

- kenny's death in season six led to london and kevin becoming closer than before. she was the only one who actually cared about him and how he felt and how it was affecting him. she helped him with karen and they became closer.

- london was dressed as a witch in "pinkeye" for halloween. she was dressed as a monarch butterfly in "korn's groovy pirate ghost mystery". she was dressed as black widow in "nightmare on facetime". and she was dressed as a pirate in "the scoots".

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