Chapter one

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Bella pov

My name is Bella Swan I have two sisters they are Alice and Rosalie we're triplets we are 20 years old we go to Fork College our parents are Charlie and Renee Swan we live in Fork Washington.

I can't wait to start college tomorrow with my sisters the only thing I'm worried about is that people are going to be mean to me because I can't hear or see that well so I wear hearing aids and glasses but at least I'll have my sisters with me I can't wait to see how the day goes, I forgot to tell you that we got new people living in our small town we really don't get new people in this small town at all. I don't know much about them besides that their last names are Cullen.

I just got out of my second class for today so I'm going to lunch now and all of a sudden I bumped into someone that feels like a rock I look up in to these beautiful green eyes that says so much about this person but says so little about them he's really good looking and I never think that about a guy because every guy I've ever known has been mean to me. I felt stupid for bumping into him I told him that I was sorry I wasn't paying attention and he said that's okay I wasn't paying attention  either so I decided to pay so I decided to pay so I decided to hurry up and pay for my lunch and go to my table with my sisters before I make a more of a fool of myself then I already did I get to my tables and my sisters are talking about class, some boys they just met they asked me how my day is going I tell them that is going good so far they asked me if anyone has talked to me or it made fun of me because if anyone had made fun of me they will kick their ass I said no one talk to me or made fun of me and you guys don't have to fight my battle I'll just ignore them and go about my day like I've always have I asked them how their days going they said that it's going great and they just met two amazing guys and I think that that they are their soulmates I just laughed because I don't believe in soulmates they asked me why I'm laughing and I told him because I don't believe in soulmates they know that they asked me why I don't believe in soulmates I say because I've never had a boy look at me the way boys look at you guys and they tell me that one day I'll find Mr Right I just have to keep from closing my heart I just laugh and say that will never happen because I wear glasses and hearing aids who's going to want someone with hearing problems and vision problems they said you'll meet Mr Right I promise I just ignore them the rest of my lunch. I'm sitting here eating my lunch and all I can think about is those green eyes looking at me he was saying something but I was too busy looking into his eye to realize he was talking to me I wish I was listening then but it's okay cuz it'll never happen again cuz he probably forgot about me already but I'm used to that by now.

I just got a text from my dad saying that we're going to have a family meeting tonight but he won't tell me what it's about he said it's important I hate when he texts so I look up and ask my sisters if they got a text from our dad they say yes and they're wondering what he could want now they're worried as well just like me because it must be really important if he's texting us in the middle of school hours he should be at work so I text my mom and ask her if she knows what Dad wants she said yes but she can't talk about it right now until we all get home I asked her if everything was okay she said yes not to worry and we'll talk about it when we get home.

Alice let's go Rosalie is waiting for us out in the car I'm coming she said I'm just trying to find my notebook that I just had I said did you look in your book bag that's where you put it last class she goes yeah I checked my way back four times and still cannot find it I said well I'll go into the classroom and ask the teacher if she found it and if she did I'll get it for you she said okay do you want me to wait here or do you want me to go to the car I said can you please wait here I said it won't take me that long she said yeah that's fine she goes you know Rosalie going to be pissed that I kept her waiting this long over a notebook I said I know she will be I'll just tell her with me this time that I was borrowing your notebook and forgot it in the classroom so that she won't be pissed at you again she said thank you but I don't want you take the fault for something that I did so I'll just tell her that I forgot it and you went and got it for me while I put my stuff in my book bag and if she gets pissed off then she gets pissed off.

I'm heading back to the classroom and I swear I just saw him I just keep walking and hopefully he doesn't notice me I get to the class and ask our teacher if she has Alice's notebook she said yeah here it is I figured one of you guys maybe back for it she goes some boy turned it in because he saw it at her desk and he didn't want her to lose it or someone to read it just in case it was a diary so well that was sweet of them if we see him again will tell him thank you can you point him out on Wednesday she said yeah that's fine I will do that can you stay after class on Wednesday cuz I wanted to talk to you about your paper I said yeah that's fine I'll just have my sister's take their own car and I will stay after school she said thank you I would really appreciate it I said you're welcome have a great night she said same for you Bella.

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 19 ⏰

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