chapter 1

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"You can't make me leave i dont want to leave" liam was crying "you cant make me leave him" liam was yelling this at all of them "grab him" the woman told the two men "no no you cant take me" the green eyed boy was standing there he didnt know what to do "let me go" liam yelled fighting the mens hold "no you cant take him" he screamed looking at the boy.

"laim. Liam? LIAM!?" Liam woke with a jump Jenna was walking twords his bed "bad dream again" she asked "uh yeah" liam said rubbing his eyes and getting out of bed "okay well breakfast is ready" she said before leaving his room.

Liam hated that dream it always ends the same him screaming and never seeing theo its better than what actually happened that day. Laim finished getting dressed and headed downstairs. he grabbed a piece of toast and headed out for school, Liam doesn't drive to school he refuses to. 

Scott and stiles watch Liam from a distance while he's catching every ball being thrown in the net "maybe we should practice" stiles suggested already heading to the field.  "good idea" scott replied following his lead to the field where coach had them line up and shoot goals. no one made a goal because liam caught them all. practice end and liams back in the locker room putting his shirt on when stiles and scott aproch him "Hey liam what was that out there" stiles asked "i was playing the game" liam said confused "no like you caught all the ball like no a single one made it into the goal" stiles says continuing the confusion on liams face "yea i was the goalie that's how this works" liam stated making a face "have you always been this good? or did it suddenly happen once overnight" scott was now making a face at scott liam now understanding what stiles is hinting at "have you ever been out in the middle of the woodsat nighty on the ful-" "stiles" scott says cutting him off "mmhm i have math i should go" stiles said leaving 

"so your a freshmen" scott asked walking with liam "oh uh yea" he was getting nerves "and you weren't here last semester" liam could tell scott was looking for information "no i uh i transfered from davenport." liam turned into his class, scott had found the information he was looking for. scott was in bio when he texted stiles

scott- liam was kicked out of devenport 

Stiles- ill figure out why  

"mccall do you have last nights homework" the techer asked catch scotts attention "uh no i was busy" scott said looking at his papers "Pay attention" the teacher said going back to teaching.

they were all at lunch an liam was sitting alone scott was sitting with all his friends that was till a blonde curly head boy walked over to the table liam was at "your liam right" he asked taking a seat "yea and you would be" liam looked at him  "oh im isaac lahey, we'll be on the same team" isaac said in response, liam just stared at him for a moment almost in awe.

thats when the rest of the group come sit with them "dude why are you staring at him like that." stiles asked before anyone else "oh uh he just looks familiar thats it" liam said before the bell rang and they all left for their next class, liam decided to cut his day short.

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