Repayment - Diablo

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After coming back from the zoo that night, Harry lay in his dark cupboard, wishing he had a watch. He didn't know what time it was and he couldn't be sure the Dursleys were asleep yet. Until they were, he couldn't risk sneaking to the kitchen for some food.
He had lived ten whole miserable years with the Dursleys who were supposed to be his relatives. Relatives who never gave him enough food to prevent malnutrition. There, he lay, thinking about the incident of the day. 'I must have imagined things.' He had told himself. There was no way a snake could talk and even that it knew his name.
*Harry Potter!* A whisper from the shadows made him almost jump up when a pair of green eyes which matched his came out. It was the adder from before.
*I am here to repay you.*
*W- Wha-* Harry struggled: *What do you mean? Wait, who are you? How do you know me?*
*My name is Diablo. I come from Sscotland, to be exact. And there, dear sir, not knowing about you is something to be sssurprised about.*
Harry could not understand what he meant. He had hardly ever stepped out of Surrey, let alone going to Scotland and own himself glory.
*What do you mean? How am I famous?*
*Allow me to explain, Mr. Potter.* He hissed again.
Harry nodded and Diablo started telling him of his parents, of his real world, of the Dark Lord and of his vanquisher.
Harry took a moment to take it all in and then looked at Diablo and said: *I believe you. With all the accidental weird things that I've been doing, my parents must be wizards. But I am not one. I can't do magic. All I do are weird occurrences that I don't want to relive.*
*You are a wizard, Harry. You were born with it and with that magic, you defeated the Dark Lord. I'd say you are a great wizard, with just a little bit of training that you need. *
Harry looked into the snake's eyes questioningly. *You see. There is a school for magical children. It's called Hogwarts. The current headmaster is a good person, or rather a 'greater good' person. They'll take care of you.* Diablo explained.
He told him about all the professors including McGonagall, Hooch, Sprout, Flitwick and Snape: *Professor Snape, you'll find, is one of the few bravest people. There are rumors that he was a spy for Dumbledore during the Dark Lord's reign. These days, he is the head of house of Slytherin, I presume.* 
Harry was amazed by the new information. He was curious to see the world he'd supposedly saved. And then...
Step Step Step
Harry managed to pretend he was sleeping by the time Petunia opened the door.
"I'm pretty sure I heard someone whispering here."
She went back. When Harry got back up, Diablo was nowhere to be seen.
In the morning, he went to the school, where everyone thought he was weird and even if someone thought he wasn't, they were afraid of going against Dudley and his friends.
As he was running back from the school with Dudley and Piers just behind, he felt like he was being forced through a very tight rubber tube and when he opened his eyes, he was no longer in Magnolia Crescent but a place anything but.
Star the story and I'll raise the word count. How's that sound?

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