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Warnings:  Age gap (reader is a senior 18-19 & Toji is 3 years older), oral sex? idk?? ..

Toji just giving you a ride to school.. totally nothing more.

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You're waiting to be picked up for school, sitting patiently. You were already dressed and prepared for the school day, you dressed however you liked knowing it didn't matter because it was your last year in high school.

You were currently wearing the outfit you rushed to come up with this morning, the casual Sweatpants, a school shirt with a black zip-up and crocs to top it off.

  Clock ticking...tick, tock, tick, tock. *Ding*!. A phone notification pops up on your phone, the loud tone of your ringtone making you jump up quickly to check who texted you.

*One new Message from: Toji❤️

     "Hey, I'm outside."*

You quickly look at your phone, jumping up and quickly grabbing your phone & bookbag and dashing out of the door making sure to turn off all the lights before leaving out, locking the door. You walk quickly to the black Kia K5 parked in your driveway. As you walk towards the car, Toji unlocks the door, allowing you to open it and get in the nice car. "Hey Toji, thanks for the ride... I really do appreciate it." you thanked him as you got in the car, putting on your seatbelt and putting your bookbag on the floor on top of your feet.

"Yea, no problem." Toji said with his deep voice.

Damn, he was so fine...

You stared at him, accidentally zoning out, causing him to turn looking at you with a smirk. "What? Something wrong? I know it's been a while since I've seen you. Sorry I couldn't see you sooner... My job is really working my ass with a tight schedule." Toji sighs, sounding as if he's disappointed.

You blinked, giving him a soft smile before looking away. Toji starts to back the car out of the Drive-way, pulling the car out and heading in the direction towards your school. Your school was quite a long drive, it took almost about 15 minutes without traffic but 25 with traffic. It was quite a busy day

watching the news before you left the house, it was reported that there would be multiple detours on the street you needed to pass to get to school, you didn't even have a ride to school... You were debating if you even wanted to go, but there was an important test for your economic class today, and you REALLY needed to go even if you didn't want to.

You already missed too many days of school, your mother complained so much about it... Saying how she's constantly getting schools every week from the school yapping about how often you miss school, how worried they are about the number of absences you have. You might not even graduate.

The car ride with Toji started off quiet, Toji isn't a talkative man... The older man handed you his phone, holding the steering with one hand. His phone was unlocked & open, with the app YouTube open.

Was he handing you the AUX...?

"Turn on some music... it's too quiet in here." the older man said.

You smirk, taking the phone from him and looking at it, thinking for a hard & long second to figure out what song you wanted to listen to first, typing in Switch a n*gga by summer walker (white ppl don't say that pls).

  you turned up the volume a little before putting his phone in the cupholder and looking out of the window. The song played out entirely, not a single word was spoken until the song finished playing out.

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 19 ⏰

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