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Hi to everyone reading this, I am a newbie at writing and I hope you enjoy my story.

please vote at the end so I get some much needed motivation , also comment whatever you see fit

question of the day would be:

Do you guys listen to kpop if yes comment down your fav kpop group .

All the important dialogs are written in bold.

Enjoy reading


As soon as returned to my apartment I dialed Vivek's number, he picked up after three rings

"hello bhaiya , aapne call kyu kia koi kaam?", he said mockingly .

Of course I could make out his fake concerned tone.

"why didn't you tell me?"

"Tell you what?"

"why doesn't Ahana recognize me anymore ?""Is she pretending or is she playing her sick games. You clearly told me she was sick and she straight up refused to look at me."

Oh !that, you know bhaiya it gives me some sickly pleasure that she doesn't look at you with heart in her eyes anymore," he chuckles and I wait for him to continue.

"You do know that after the incident , she was bullied the same way she used to bully others and I know you'd be satisfied , but you know what , this coward bitch tried to commit suicide and failed miserably. You know what Mrs . Bannerjee said that she is a curse to her family , always tainting their name."

"The doctors were able to save this bitch just by chance , she had some congessions in her brain due to lose of blood . But oh my she still had the audacity to come back to school and the bullying continued , but one fine day Aagaz was so done with this bitch trying to act as a saint that he thrashed her against the wall, blood started oozing out and she was rushed to the Er , again this bitch dodged hell and came back ."

"Her family withdrew her from school but as her father is my father's close friend , we would visit her sometimes , she started hallucinating, forgetting things and lastly she forgot whatever happened after your farewell and departure from the school"

"All in all she doesn't recognize anyone she met in school and you now know why she doesn't recognize you, happy realization"

I cut his call and called Akash to come over.


(I will use A to denote whatever Akash says)

A: "is it about her again , look i don't wanna talk about her , I was wrong in advising you to love her, I'm sorry."

V:"she doesn't remember me, i love her and she forgot me." i broke down crying

V:"they tortured her my ahana , they bullied her , my ahana." i couldn't help but feel bad for her even though i know she deserved every bit but her trauma is severe, my chain of thoughts are broken by Akash's loud growl.

A: look veer i can't understand how you can love her after all these years , the tears and pain . but if you're so whipped for her then forget everything just give me one reason to love her."

V:" I have my reasons but i can't put my love for her into words."

A:" tere jaisa bhai hone se toh acha a ki bhai hi na ho"

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