CHAPTER TWO: A Secret Is Revealed.

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A little birdy told me it's going to be a very eventful week.

"Court us back in session you majesty," Chloe said causing the person on the other end of the line to immediately hang up. She huffed. "Well that was rude."

She looked at her watch. 2 hours she predicted as she continued contacting those who were relevant to their cause. You and the rest of the Akuma class are going down Rosi.

Luka spent a good 30 minutes cradling a crying Marinette in his arms. Her sadness worried him. She had not looked like this in class, in fact everything about her has radiated pure confidence. Now here she sat crying her eyes out.

Luka has ran after Marinette intending to make her feel better. Her melody felt off. It felt sad and distraughted. He had dragged her to the boat, discarding every single one of their belonging before pulling her to sit down next to him, allowing her to let out all the emotions she seemed to be holding in.

He would not rush, he would allow her to take all the time she needed. Plus she admittedly enjoyed having her in his arms. After another 15 minutes he was getting used to the sound of faint sobbing. So he was quite shocked when he heard her quite voice.

"Luka," she uttered causing him to freeze.

"Yes melody?"

"Do you think I'm a monster?"

"Why would I think you're a monster darling?" he asked genuinely concerned by the question.

"Because I'm cold_snort(from Luka), heartless..."

"Pretty sure you have a heart," Luka mumbled as she continued on with her list.

"Cruel _light chuckle_, unforgiving _" really?"_ and possessive"

"I actually liked that part of you," he replied causing a small blush to color her cheeks.

"Luka I'm being serious," she whined glaring at his with her red eyes and tear stained cheeks. He reached out to wipe her tears.

"Really now, I thought you were practicing your stand up comedy act," he replies causing her to huff. He gently cradles her cheek forcing her to look at him. "You are kind, you have the biggest heart with the sweetest melody, you are way to forgiving and I find that little display back tgere unbelievably hot"

Marinette blushed at the comment but she waa not going to give in that easily. She needed him ro see her as she was.

"What if it's all a just a mask Luka," Marinette say forcing her head to the size causing him to let go of her face. "What's if it's all a role I've been playing for all these years"

"It's not," he said forcing her to look at him once again.

"Yes it is," she says staring at him, willing him to disagree.

"Melody I know you, I know your character, I hear your song, I feel your spirit and I adore every bit of you," he says staring at her with a but load of love and adoration causing her heart to clench.

"I've not always been like this Luka," she says sighing. "Chloe, the rest of my friend group and I used to rule the school back in Ecole, cross us and gone with you, we were tge royal court, top of the schools social food chain, ruthless little savages

She goes on to tell him a summary about her past, leaving out a few details she wasn’t quite ready to share. She told him about how she used to run the school with an iron fust and icy heart. She told him about the people she targeted and the reasons behind them.

She told him about the rules and the court. About how how she had used her friends and her influence to get her way. How she had filtered out all the trash in the school earning her title as queen. She told him every single thing at the worst possible light.

"Well that's not the stories I heard," Luka says causing her eyes to widen.

"You've heard about me?"

"Of course though I did not quite know it was you, Juleka used to refer to you as the queen," Luka replies. "Ruthless but all in good cause, from what I've heard you had to be cold to earn respect"

"I ruined people's lives,"

"They ruined their own lives," he replies. "And if it makes you feel better I had something similar as well"


"Yeah bullies were relentless in my old school, so I found myself constantly pounding my point into someone's face," he admits causing her to laugh.

"It's not the same thing Lulu," she sighs.

"Of course it's not," she did not want to admit it but her heart broke a little at this remark despite the truth it held within it. "I fought for myself, you fought for those who couldn't fight for themsellf. In fact something tells me that the cold queen bit sas tge real facade"

"Luka..." she tried to argue but he cut her off by drawing her face closer towards his.

"They's nothing you can say to convince me otherwise," he whispered. His lips were almost touching her own. She closed her eyes wanting to draw him closer when an epp busted their little bubble.

"Sorry," a blushing Juleka whispered as the two sprang apart. "It's lunch and I thought I'd come back and update you, though I guess you're fully updated"

"Not quite fully," Marinette confessed causing the girl to look at the too in worry.

"Marinette," the girl says.

"Not yet."

"Don't break his heart."

"I'll try"

Luka looked between the two clearly confused. He knew they was something he was missing but he witheld his questions for the time being.

"I have to go call my brother to him that the court is back together." she says springing to her feet readying herself to leave.

"You have a brother? " the boy questioned as she gathered her things.

"I'll tell you about it after classes," she replied making her way towards the door. "for now I have buisness to take care of.

"Marinette," Luka called out as she was about to head out the door causing her to freeze.


"A queen has no need to hide her heart."

"Thanks Luka," she replied with a smile before ducking out the room.

Juleka turned towards her brother with a smirk dancing on her lips.

"You really are smitten aren't you,"


"-see you soon Dames." Marinette said as she opened the trap door leading to her room.

"You call the court in order and you don't bother personally calling your King to tell him about it," a voice said startling her.

"Felix?" the girl asked looking at the boy sitting on her chaise.

"Hello my queen did you miss me cause I sure did miss you." the guy said with a smirk.

The queen can only survive so long without her king.


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