eight . friends, foes alike

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I noticed  quickly the dekusqude seemed to not be working together at all and ignoring echother.. but rather izuku was only working with sero and danki, mina.

"Thats odd" momo said.

"I know babe.. something probably  happend" I'd sigh protecting the victim we have hostage.

Witch is just a rice bag with a old hero mask tapped to it and a terribly done sharpie face.

I looked up seeing kirishima and bakugo smirking like a dork.

"Stop simping and go help katsuki" I snort.

"Im just happy he's working with my squde and not his own bitches of a squde" Katsuki  said before walking off into the battle field  instantly  flying for uraka.

"He's targeting." Momo said doing a face palm, "kirishima do you know what's up with the dekusqude"

"It's something to do with todoroki that's all I know" he sighed frowing  as he watched izuku get thrown abit by Koda.

"Comeon sero" he'd murered.

"Wait why do you want sero to do something" momo asked confused.

"All my squdes boys want izuku" I sigh, "kiri if Koda wasn't our team casting a forfeit would go out their and punch the hell out of koda."

"Im also happy izuku threw and eliminated sensio quickly" kirishima Said, "sensio wasn't gonna be of use, he only would flirt with kamibro, and follow him like a lost pup"

"Thats no way to talk of fellow classmates" iida scoldes.

I sigh, "but it's the truth, that man stares into kamiaris soul, and we play distraction for kamiari"

"He likes kamiari what's the big deal" iida sighed, "its not really you're place"

"It's also not youre place to blow it under a rug" Momo Said, "and if you talk to him whilst looking to him he can contorl you. That's why."

Sensio is a shcoking  one to even have a presay have a crush. But the fact...

"No sensio I don't like you" kamiari hissed.

The battle paused we all looked in unicion.

"Detorite smash" Midoira hissed and punched sensio off of kamiari, "where the hell is conesnt"

"Stop getting in my way" sensio scowls, in grunt. "He--"

"I will not be yours" kamiari  hissed and hugged to sero.

Me and momo rushed to the battlefield.

"Sensio what the fuck" I hiss, "how dare you"

"Whyd you care" he'd snap.

"Because jirou is like a mother to the group" bakugo growls, "brainwash you're really lucky I can't explode you right now without forfit"

"Class.. I think our lesson should be cut short" vladking annoced, "sensio Hiroshima to nazus office for misconduct  NOW"

Sensio resumed his emotionless sleepy-foscade. "Youre just being difficult  kam-"

"Keep his pretty name out of you're mouth bastred" Bakugo snapped, sending a explosion and sensio went flying into a wall, taking kamiari  from sero and hugging him in a brotherly way, "if I see you in the streets you're DESHINEE"

"Unlawthful touching of another student  without conesnt isn't okay, unless  it's fist to fish brawl in a training sense" Iida scoldes him, "I as class president  will be escorting you."

"Kamiari  you may return to dormitory if you fell, as you friends can  join you aswell" vladking said.

I could tell kamiari  was stiming so kirishima sighed.

"Bakubro you wanna carry him or shall i?" Kirishima  asked.

"I got him this time shitty hair" bakugo Said,  clearly pissed.

I still can't belive sensio though eliminated  came back on the field and persficly  grabed kamiari.

It's discusting.

So sensio bassicly came up anf hugged kamiari  from behind, and whispered in his ear before everyone was notified.

I know it's out of character, but you'll see why.

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