important note : victoria left Red Bull because her mom had an accident, and she needed someone to take care of her. After some time, her mom recovered, and Victoria ventured into modeling, achieving significant success. Now, she has returned to the paddock to see her dad. The question looms: Will she quit modeling? Or will she work for her dad? The unfolding story explores Victoria's choices, family ties, and her professional aspirations.

As I walk into the paddock with Max alongside me, we chat while heading to the Red Bull garage to see my father. In the distance, I spot Pierre, my childhood bestie, with Lando by his side.

Our paths meet, and I run up to both of them, hugging them and giving Pierre a kiss on the cheek. "Hi, Pierre! I've missed you so much, and you too, Lando."

"It's only been one day; I saw you last night," Pierre says while hugging me back. "But for me, it feels like it's been a while," Lando adds, hugging me as well. "Well, it was still long," I reply to Pierre, rolling my eyes as we all laugh. "You haven't seen me in a long time. What have you been doing?" Lando asks while talking to Max. "Well, I've just been racing and trying to win, but someone keeps winning," Max says, looking at me. I raise my hands in defense, and we all laugh. "Hey, it's not my issue that I'm the better driver," Max adds, and we return to our conversation. "Anyways, what are you doing here?" Pierre asks. "Well, I just came to see my father," I reply, and both Max and Lando mysteriously disappear. Pierre says, "Oh, interesting. I hope you'll be supporting me during the race." "Hmm, no," I playfully say. "I hate you." "We both know that you love me," Pierre retorts, and we laugh. "Sure, sure," he says. "Well, I better get going; I have to get ready for practice." "Oh, come on, you're leaving me. Well, it's okay; I'll see you later," I say as I hug him and walk off to the garage.

As I walk into the garage, I see my dad with the biggest smile ever, and he comes up and hugs me so tight that I can't breathe.

"Dad, you are killing me; I can't breathe."

"But I have missed you so much."

"Still, I can't breathe, but I also have missed you so much." I give him a kiss on the cheek, and he releases me. I take a big breath, playfully pretending not to breathe.

"Oh, come on, I know you're joking," we both burst into laughter.

"How have you been?" my father asks. "I've been good, just a lot of work."

"Speaking of work, we lost our social media manager. Would you be interested in working for us? I know you're good with social media, and it's the same position you were in, like the old times," he asks. A lot of questions run through my head – how am I supposed to do modeling if I'm working here? This leaves me speechless, wondering if this was the reason why he invited me. Nonetheless, I say yes, find myself in his office, and sign a contract.

On that same day, I start working for Red Bull again.

Author's note:

Hi, loves! I hope you are enjoying the story. Sorry for the spelling mistakes; English is not my first language, but I am trying my best. Please give and vote for me. Mwah! 😘 See you later.

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