30~ Yuvika - The intense flame of desire

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Two days have passed and it is evident that no improvements have been made, unlike before

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Two days have passed and it is evident that no improvements have been made, unlike before.

"Bring one more!"

Yuvan spoke with his clenched jaw and tight knuckles in anger as it was getting hard for him to forget Jeevika's face from his mind. Whenever he tries to forget he loses every time from the day she left his hand. Till the night, both hearts were hurting. Someone was crying without any patience, while someone was trying to be patient by hiding their tears.

Yuvan falling in love, but ended up getting separated. Instead of reflecting on it, he just got mad. There was a time when he truly desired to be with Jeevika, but unfortunately, signed!

"Gazab ka mohabbat dekha tha maine aapki ankhon mein, mehsoos tak hone nahi diya ki chhodne wali ho."

(I saw amazing love in your eyes, I didn't even realise that you were going to leave me.)

Yuvan's heart would always tell him to find someone to lean on in his everyday life, but then his mind would caution him about the possibility of getting deceived and advise him to stay away from it. However, whenever he mustered the courage to trust someone, he always ended up being all by himself.

"Excuse me sir, but would you like me to bring an additional glass?"

The bartender was all professional when he asked, but Yuvan just whipped out some cash from his pockets and slammed it on the counter. It totally freaked out his personal assistant Rajiv and even surprised the bartender.

"Get another glass!"

Yuvan threw his head back, closed his eyes, and took deep breaths to calm down. Rajiv just sat there, staring at his boss, who, for the first time, looked like a complete mess, as if his whole world had just come crashing down.

"Sir enough!"

Rajiv quickly snatched the glass away from Yuvan who was about to gulp it down but then, he opened his bloodshot eyes and glared at Rajiv with a fiery gaze, which caused his personal assistant to instinctively pull his hand back.

After a while, Yuvan pulls out a bottle of booze and a cigarette from his pocket, and starts puffing away, taking a deep drag and blowing the smoke out through his nose. He holds the cigarette between his fingers and grabs the glass to gulp down the alcohol.

Rajiv couldn't believe his eyes when he saw his boss going through four cigarettes in just three minutes. Feeling exhausted, Yuvan laid his head down, desperately craving for a good night's sleep.

One one hand, his revenge completely fucked up his life, and on the other hand, there were Jeevika's separations.

Rajiv was caught off guard when Yuvan extended his arm for support. Without hesitation, He quickly lowered himself and assisted Yuvan in leaving the Pub. They both hopped into the car and began their journey to the hotel.

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