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When we arrived, I saw so many other children our age... so many potential friends. My heart sounded and hurt a bit.

It beat so fast and so loudly my hands began to shake. My breathing started to change as Draco stared at me, trying to register what was going on.

Suddenly, he pulled me in, my head was in his chest, and I couldn't focus on anything. He held me close as chatter continued, kissing my head every now and then after speaking to me calmly.

Eventually, I regained control of myself and let go, which Draco reluctantly complied with. He wiped the tears off from my face and held my hand when the speaking died down.

In front of us was a tall woman. Her robes were long, and her hair was pulled back neatly, tucked under her witch hat.

She had said some words that I don't remember before the large doors opened dramatically. The first years flooded the dining hall, all of them standing before the stairs where the headmaster and other house leaders sat.

I only recognized one face. A face that I would curse for many years, especially during the war.

Severus Snape.

He sat with his head held high. His silky hair was very shiny and looked healthy.

I never understood how they could call such fabulous hair "greasy," but I couldn't ask my twins now.

I clung to Draco as he introduced himself to a boy with brown hair. His blue-green eyes immediately shifted to me as I sunk more behind Draco. A redheaded boy snickered when he said his name.

To this day, I have no idea what Ron was laughing about.

"Funny? Is it?" Draco observed the boy before sneering, "red hair and a hand-me-down robe? You must be a Weasley."

That shut him up immediately as the boy later to be determined as "Harry Potter" defended his friend, saying some short, curt, words before leaving immediately.

The tall woman started calling out names,

"Hannah Abbott,"

And one by one.

"Susan Bones,"

All of the children were sorted.

"Amaya Haris,"

But by birthday instead of last names.

"Ronald Weasley."

"Another Weasely, eh?" The hat's voice was loud and strong, "easy, GRYFFINDOR!"

The table erupted in cheers as the brothers accepted one of the youngest to their table.

"Hermione Granger," a young girl with frizzy hair made her way to the sorting hat, placing it gently on her hair.

"Smart girl, loves to learn. Hmm.... yes... but there is one outlier, something that defines you... GRYFFINDOR!" The hat yelled as she smiled, walking to the table.

"Harry Potter."

A few more people went before Draco was inevitably sorted in Slytherin, but then came my turn.

"Y/n Amaryllis!" She locked eyes with me as I made my way up the stairs.

The hat sat comfortably on my head, "Interesting... no discernable personality... nothing that stands out... dare I say you don't decide for yourself either... I'm hoping this will help you become your own person. Help you to grow." He breathed in before shouting, "HUFFLEPUFF."

The yellow table cheered, the hat was plucked from my head, and eventually, I made it to the table I would be sitting at for the rest of my time at Hogwarts. Locating an empty seat, I found one between two older boys, both loud and rowdy.

I sat, keeping to myself when one of the boys glanced down at me, who was slowly and neatly eating my food, "You're new, and I suppose you don't have any friends, do you?"

I nodded, still sitting alone, and the boy readjusted his attention to me, giving me a warm smile that made me feel a certain way, "I'm Cedric Diggory, that's Lance McLoughlan, and Doug MacArthur. We're all fifth years, but if that doesn't scare you, we'd be happy to have you around."

Something else that you'll learn later is that these were my boys. My life line. I would do anything for them. Anything.

I stared at the boys sitting at our table and nodded as they started to include me in their conversations.

Cedric was handsome, with fluffy brown hair that looked very soft and brown almond eyes. His eyes were gentle and made me feel welcome, just like his mannerism of speaking, which was calm and inviting.

Lance was peculiar. While he had a strong jawline, he had very round cheeks, which seemed to be baby fat he just couldn't shake off. His hair was auburn, but many people would make fun of him for being a long-lost Weasley. His blue eyes were so sharp and icy that they were hard to look at, making eye contact difficult.

Then there was Doug. Doug was the opposite of the simple sort. His hair was naturally white, a recessive gene he got from his mother that he despised greatly. He detested it so much that dyeing his hair in the communal bathrooms became ritual, and having me or Lance mix his colors and help him apply while Cedric would recount more drama he heard from his girlfriend, since he couldn't help due to his color blindness.

Doug had dreamy seafoam green eyes that would make a girl melt. His skin was tanned, but not enough to make the natural white unappealing. All of the boys had freckles and scars on their arms and necks, some on their faces, which I was told to be from quidditch.

"What are you? A shut-in? How do you not know Quidditch, and you're a witch?" Lance yelled as they explained the rules and why it was so enjoyable.

"Next year, when you're of age, you're trying out for the team. But for now, you have three great coaches." Cedric chuckled as Doug turned to yell at the red-headed twins behind him, who just doused him in reappearing ink.

I laughed with them, feeling comfortable but not understanding the uncomfortable feeling of someone watching me.


Status: Unedited

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 03 ⏰

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