The End

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With one powerful punch to the ground, I summoned a tsunami which came all the way from behind us and drowned their ships in the depths of the sea.

Y/N: This is how you win a war.

I said confidently as I looked at Korra, who looked at the water with a dropped jaw, not able to understand how I could've done that.

Korra: How...where did you get so much power?

She asked curiously after finally finding the words to speak again.

Y/N: Well, they don't call me the High Mage for nothing.

Korra: Can this knowledge be found in Outworld?

Y/N: Yes...all this and even more, much more.

Korra: You have to show me how to become as strong as you are.

Y/N: And why would I do that? So you can stab me in the back once the time is right?

Korra: I wouldn't do that, not anymore. You're the only one that I have left.

Y/N: Oh wow, that is the only reason why you wouldn't do that?

Korra: Well that and the fact that I can't stab you in the back.

Y/N: You can't?

She skipped over to me and gently put her hands on my chest, pressing her body against mine.

Korra: Of course not...Can't betray a dead man!

She hissed before ramming a dagger into me, which I was able to catch with an amused grin on my face.

Y/N: Oh,'re so stupid.

I mocked her as I looked at her dumbfounded facial expression.

Y/N: A dagger? Is that the best you-

A burning spear went through my body from behind, causing me to release Korra from my grasp and allow her to take a few steps back.

The spear disappeared, as the water in my body quickly extinguished it and I turned around to face the one who attacked me.

Y/N: Zuko...

Zuko: Y/N?

He asked with wide eyes, not believing what he was seeing before him.

Y/N: It's Rain for you.

My palm hit his chest as I said that, throwing him back quite some distance, but he managed to land safely on his feet again.

Zuko: You killed my family, you son of a bitch.

Y/N: Well, it wasn't the smartest idea to put them all on one ship, was it?

Zuko: We were supposed to kill the last Water Tribe member today, I won't let you get in my way.

Y/N: What are you fighting for? There's no Fire Nation soldier left, your army is gone, just like your family.

Zuko: I still have plenty back at my base, you'll never get all of us.

Y/N: Your base was flooded, I don't think your people will be able to swim all the way here, will they?

Zuko: You're lying.

Y/N: I released all the water which was beneath the surface. This temple is the only building which remains standing, and the water level keeps rising.

I opened a water portal which showed the situation back at his base.

Everything has been covered and drowned in water, there was nothing left anymore.

Y/N: This realm is finally pure, just like-

His fist hit my face straight through the portal, making me stumble back.

Y/N: You have quite a strong punch, I'll give you that.

I heard Korra sneaking up on me, still with the dagger in her hand, while Zuko charged his fire beam.

Zuko: Die!

He yelled as he released the beam, while I engaged Korra, quickly disarming her and using her as a shield against Zuko's fire beam.

Her screams of agony echoed through the mountains and her charred body soon fell to the ground once he stopped.

His eyes widened in disbelief and pain when he realized that it was Korra who he just burned instead of me.


He yelled in desperation as he ran up and kneeled before her body.

Zuko: I love know that I always loved you.

He mumbled as he pressed her dead body against his in a cold embrace.

Y/N: What are you saying?

Zuko: I'm saying that I loved her! That's what I'm saying!

Y/N: Were you two...a thing?

Zuko: We were two lovers who weren't allowed to love each other because of some stupid clan wars that our parents started.

Y/N: Damn...she was a real slut, huh?

Zuko: What? How dare you speak of her like that?

Y/N: Scissoring Asami while also sucking your crispy dick? All that while I was gone for a bit? Now that's what I call a busy woman.

Zuko: She never loved you. Never!

He screamed in my face as he stood up from the ground.

Y/N: She never loved anyone, Zuko. Now don't be fucking cuck and realize that. Besides, that bitch is dead anyway, her job's done.

He swung at me but regretted it quickly after I caught his fist and punched my hand through his mouth and released water into his body.

Soon it was too much for his body to handle and he exploded in many little red pieces of meat.

Suddenly, some kind of white animal jumped on my face, after struggling for a bit, I finally managed to rip it off my face and realized that it was Momo.

Y/N: Momo? You're still alive after all those years, huh? Well, not anymore.

One of my hands grabbed his head, the other one held on to his feet.

Y/N: You won't annoy anyone ever again, stupid monkey.

I mumbled annoyed as I ripped that ugly animal apart and dropped his parts to the ground.

That's when I heard a loud roar from above.

Once I looked up into the sky, I saw a flying bison which was charging right at me.

Y/N: Appa...

I released a bunch of water beams at him, but he took it like they were nothing and bit me in my stomach, bringing us both to the ground.

Groaning in pain, I punched and kicked him as hard as I could in an attempt to get this feral animal off me.

The pain was numbed by adrenaline but the shock kicked in once I saw my own intestines getting ripped out by the bison.

It kept biting me, pieces of my flesh and my insides were scattered all around and in his mouth as he kept biting chunks out of my body.

My movements became much slower while the stone floor was getting painted by my blood.

Soon enough, everything stopped except for Appa, who was munching on my unmoving body like it was feasting at the King's table.

The End

Desperate Measures | Korra x Rain ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now