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I was driving down main street in my green 67' mustang. My dad had called me back home to Sioux Falls to talk about what happened with the British Men of Letters.

He was scared of them. I could tell by the way he spoke.

"These people are dangerous, Kami. You can't be by yourself anymore. Not with them hunting us all down." My father scolded.

"Daddy, I'm fine. I'll be safe." I replied, trying to put his mind at ease.

"No, Kamelia, you won't be safe. These guys are good, better than us. I know you wanted to stay out of the hunter life, but that's not an option anymore. You need to come home baby." He told me. He sounded so scared of these men. I was starting to get worried.

"I'm almost there, dad. I'm about 5 minutes away. I'm gonna stop at this gas station and get some grub real quick." I reported.

"Okay. Be safe Pooh Bear. I'll see you when you get here. I love you." My father announced.

I pulled into the parking lot of a gas n sip. "I will dad. I love you too, bye."

I hung up on him and put my idling car in park. I turned off the ignition and swung my door open. Looking around, I recognized a black impala parked a couple feet away from me.

I smiled and walked up towards the car. I put a hat on and walked up to the window. In a fake accent, I muttered as I leaned against the driver's window. "You boys looking for a good time?"

The emerald eyed man looked up at me with a blank expression on his face. "No, sorry. Got places to be." He replied. I giggled and took my hat off as my honey colored hair fell in front of my silver blue eyes.

"Not even if it's an old friend?" I exclaimed. The man's eyes sparkled at me with a softer gaze as his passenger looked at him confused.

"Kami?" He asked as his eyes burned with curiosity and hope. "Hey Deano." I responded.

Dean opened the car door immediately and stood up and hugged me. He picked me up as my legs wrapped around him. I laughed as he set me down.

"What're you doing out here?" Dean asked me. I smiled at him. "My dad wanted me to come out here. He's worried about me." I replied.

Sammy rounded the corner as he ran towards me. "Kami!" He screamed as he came up to me. I laughed loudly as I ran into his arms. He picked me up and spun me around as he held me tightly to his chest. "Heya squirt." I stated while Sam placed me on the hard pavement.

I took my hands and put them on Sam's cheeks. "Wow, you grew up. You got so tall. Ugh, and that hair!" I took my hand and nuzzled it through Sammy's hair. "You tryna impress the ladies Sammy?" I asked with a big grin on my face.

"Maybe... or maybe I just grew up a little since I last saw you." He replied. I laughed at him.

I smiled at him as I studied his hair more. "You look like Dean with your long hair." I turn around to face Dean. "I miss your long hair Deano." I stated.

Dean laughed at me. "Yea, well that was a long time ago." He replied.

Dean studied me more. It wasn't like he was coming to terms with how my looks have changed. It's almost like he was, checking me out?

I was lost in my thoughts and didn't hear Sam talking to me. I was pulled out of my thoughts when he tapped my shoulder.

"Kamelia?" Sammy called out. I shook my head and came back into reality. "Huh? Sorry, I was... lost in my thoughts." I replied. Dean laughed at me. "Oh yea? What were you thinking about?" He asked. I glared at him. "Wouldn't you like to know weather boy?"

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