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I sat at Jody's table picking at my nails. My eyes were bloodshot from crying. I had just lost my mom and didn't know what to do. I never felt so alone.

Dean was sitting next to me and rubbing my back. "Did anyone tell my siblings?" I asked. Dean just smiled at me with a sincere expression. "You don't have to worry about that Kami. Someone will tell them." He replied.

I sat up, avoiding eye contact as I did. "They need to hear it from family." I reached into my backpack and grabbed my phone.

My mom had 10 kids and as far as I knew, I was the only one that knew she was dead. I'm my dad's only kid and one of 2 that my mom still talked to. I doubt any of my siblings knew where she was or where she was headed.

I walked into the dining room, preparing myself for these excruciatingly painful discussions that I was about to have.

I told Kamari first. She was crying so hard that she had to pull over. I then told Kamrynn. They thought I was joking and hung up on me. When they realized I wasn't, they called me back and asked where I was.

Then, I called Kadence. He hated my mom so he didn't really have an expression of sympathy for her. He said he was coming to see me and check on me. Karina was next. She's in Germany so I woke her up. She was gonna find the next flight out here.

Karson had called me to check on me and I had to tell him. He asked how much the funeral was gonna cost. I called Kazz and Kase at the same time. They were closest to me so they were headed here right now.

Kaylynn just went silent when I told her. She told me that she was see was gonna see how much work she can get off. She's gonna come out here to support us but doesn't know if she has to leave before the funeral.

Kahlea said she already knew what happened because the tarot cards told her. She didn't really cry and just wanted to know who I already told.

The next couple hours flew by. One by one, my siblings started showing up. Jody was kind enough to let us all stay at her house until the funeral.

I just sat there. My siblings were all there and they all were looking to me for answers. Kadence started pacing the room. "So you don't know what happened?" He asked.

I stared at the ground. I didn't have answers. I didn't know what happened and they all were looking at me waiting for answers that I didn't have.

"No. I don't. I wasn't around when it happened." I said. I was with Dean when my mom died but I couldn't admit that.

"Oh yea, I was sleeping with my one of best friend's when our mother died."

Will I ever be able to forgive myself for that?

Kadence sighed. "Where were you when it happened, Kam?" He asked. He sat on the coffee table in front of me. "Where were you when mom died?" He stared holes through me.

I finally had the courage to look him in the eyes. "I wasn't here. I was, busy." I felt bad for lying to him, but how could I admit to him what I was doing when our mom died?

Kadence stood up and yelled, "Damn it Kamelia, where were you?!" He screamed. My eyes swelled with tears as he yelled. He had a look of hatred in his eyes that terrified me to my core.

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 22 ⏰

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