Chapter One- The desires

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     She was leaving her college grounds for the last time packing up her stuff and getting into the taxi. "Take me to Southwest airlines please" the taxi starts to drive off "so where are you heading" he asked "I'm heading back home to live with my parents. I just got my degree In doctoring a week ago ""That's amazing I'm proud to hear" 30 minutes later.." where here" "thank you so much" she gets out the car and leaves him a 10 dollar tip she heads into the airport looking for her gate number she gets on the plane finds her seat and falls asleep 4 hours go by her plane lands in Colorado she makes her way off the plane and to find her mom" hey honey it's been so long" her mom says as she runs up and hugs her "god I can't believe I'm back home I can't wait to see everyone" "I'm sure they can't wait to see you to and you came back just in time for your 24th birthday" "I know but hey let's get out of here I'm tired" she says as they make their way to the car they get into the car and they drive off to the house

     they arrive at the house and she looks out the car window to see a big welcome sign and to see all of her family waiting in the front yard for her she gets out the car and walks up to greet all of her family and see everyone "god it's so great to see you guys" she says with a smile on her face "I'm so happy your home we all missed you so much we are glad to have you back home nothing has changed since you left but we do have a little surprise for you" her sister says as she walks her in the house she looks down to see a baby in a crib in the living room "oh my god is this your baby girl" "yes it is your a aunt now" her sister replies as she picks up the baby to let her hold her "she's so precious I can't believe I came back to be aunt whats her name?" "I know I wanted to keep it a surprise till you got here and her name is Lizzy '' her sister says as she laughs they put the baby down for another nap they head into the kitchen to get some dinner.

     they all gather up to talk about what she wants to do for her 24th birthday she doesn't know what she wants she still amazed that she's home with all of her family about 2 hours later they all leave and she heads up stairs to unpack her bags and suitcases "god it's so different seeing this room field with your stuff again but I love it I'm glad your home with us again Anna" "I'm glad to be home to oh tomorrow I will be going into town looking for a job I figured I could take your car is that okay with you" "yes that's perfectly fine with me just drop me off at work first in the morning" okay sounds good I will do that I love you mom good night" good night honey sleep well" her mom walks out the room and closes the door.

      The next morning she gets up and takes and shower and gets dress as she is getting dressed she looks at herself in the mirror at her body she walks down stairs and grabs a quick breakfast for the morning "mom let's go so you can be early" she yells up the stairs her mom walks down and they grab the keys and leave the house she drives to go drop off her mom off at work she heads into town to apply for some jobs she walks into a library to talk to them about applying for the job she talks to the front desk lady and they hand her a resume she sits down and fills it out 15 minutes later she gets up and hands the lady the papers "okay come back in about a day and we will let you know" the lady says "ok thank you so much have a good day" as Anna walks out the library and back to her car she tries to open the door and she ends up being locked out the car she left her keys on the driver's seat" god why the fuck am I so stupid" Anna says out loud she walks into a auto parts store to ask someone for help "I'll help" a man say's she walks out with the man and shows him what happened "I walked into the library trying for a job and I was in a rush and I left me keys on the seat" "it's okay let me go back in and grab some tools" he walks back in and grabs his tools he walks back out and unlocks her car for her" thank you so much" "your welcome" he replies as he opens the door for her "hey what's your name" he asked "it's Anna Marie" "well Anna I'm Aaron nice meeting you see you around" she pulls off in her car and drives to go pick up some coffee

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