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June 16, 2023

"What happened? Why did you decide to join the Mafia?" Mingi swallowed. He was afraid of the answer.


"Who told you that I joined the mafia?" Confused, Mingi furrowed his eyebrows. "What?" he asked. "Well, they more or less brought me here," said Yunho. "They kidnapped you?" Mingi asked with a shocked undertone. Yunho shook his head. "Doesn't matter."

Then he slid down and snuggled under the covers. He evaded Mingi's questions again, but since Mingi was already used to this and wasn't hoping for anything anyway, he decided to leave the subject and lay down slowly as well. His eyes lingered on Yunho until he looked at him too.

"What is it?" Yunho asked. Mingi didn't know how long he had stared at him, but it must have been a long time. "Nothing." he mumbled, but his eyes scanned every millimeter of Yunho's face. Yunho sighed, then he turned in Mingi's direction as well and they stared at each other. Mingi didn't know what it meant, but he couldn't and wouldn't look away. He wanted to stop the time. Yunho's look said so much and yet somehow nothing.

Mingi had always been good at empathizing with other people, but with Yunho it was different. He was like an enigma. His eyes revealed something about his soul, but they didn't match his outward appearance. He seemed really cold sometimes and yet Mingi had the feeling that there was more to him than that. More behind this façade.

Mingi was so lost in thought that he hadn't even noticed that Yunho had closed his eyes. His breathing was calm. He seemed peaceful. Mingi's eyes wandered over Yunho's tousled hair, over his closed eyelids, which twitched from time to time, over his perfect nose, which shone with light, and then over his round lips. Mingi didn't know if it was just him who thought so, but Yunho's face was the definition of perfection.

After what seemed like forever, Mingi finally took his eyes off Yunho. He could have stayed like that all afternoon, but his eyes grew heavier with time. So he slowly closed his eyes and with a pleasant feeling, he fell into a deep sleep.


Someone shook him. It felt like an earthquake. Mingi thought he was having a bad dream until the numbness slowly left his body and he realized that the shaking was not a dream. He was startled out of his position and immediately met Yeosang's worried eyes.

Startled, Mingi looked at him, then around the room. It was dark outside and Yunho had disappeared. "What's going on?" Mingi asked. Although he had just been asleep, he was now wide awake and adrenaline was rushing through every cell in his body.

"Hongjoong and Seonghwa haven't come back from their mission.
I tracked them down and San and Yunho went out to find them," Yeosang spoke so quickly that it took Mingi a moment to process his words. "What mission, what are you talking about?" Before Mingi could ask any more questions, he was pulled out of the room by Yeosang. Overwhelmed, Mingi followed Yeosang's firm grip. They walked down the corridor and then turned into a room. Yeosang let go of Mingi.

Mingi looked around in amazement. In front of him was a huge desk with finite screens. Above it were neon signs that bathed the otherwise dark room in a pink and green light. In the right corner was a large bed. Yeosang dropped into a swivel chair.
"There's a gang that's been giving us trouble for weeks. They're called the Black Claw. It's a stupid name I know, but they're not nice people Mingi. They've already killed several of our bodyguards and tampered with our last drug deal."

Mingi swallowed. He felt like he had entered the wrong movie. What kind of world was he now in?
"Hongjoong and Seonghwa were supposed to negotiate with them today so they would leave us alone, but something went wrong and they didn't contact us or come back after the agreed time."

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