Part 1

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Odette knew that Arabella had always been in love with her, but her parents never allowed the relationship. So she waited until her parents had left the room, then she moved closer. Odette pushed Arabella against the wall.

"W-what are you doing, Odette?"

This question was uttered from a small, frail woman with beautifully depicted features. She had a sharp nose, thin pale pink lips, and deep violet eyes. Odette ran a hand through Arabella's waist length golden brown hair.

"I... am going to kiss you my love." Odette said as she put a hand on Arabella's cheek.

"Wha- mph!"

Odette cut Arabella off with a passionate kiss on the lips. While kissing Arabella, Odette put her other hand on her lover's waist, pulling her closer. Odette broke the kiss, leaving Arabella to gasp for air.

"W-why did you do that Odette?"

"Is it not obvious Ella? It is because I am in love with you, and I know you are in love with me too."

Arabella looked stunned at this information. She started blushing from the close proximity of the one she loved. Odette noticed and pulled her closer.

"Do you like how close our faces are, my love?"

Arabella looked into the bright red eyes of the woman in front of her. She fell in love with Odette years before when she helped her out of a tree. Arabella noticed the rounded nose, thick red lips, and shoulder length black hair of Odette.

"I do enjoy the close proximity, but..."

"But what?"

"What if our faces were ever closer?"

With these words lingering in the air, Arabella moved her hands upwards and pulled Odette's face closer to her own. Odette looked genuinely surprised with the fierce motion from the usually refined young woman. The two women moved their faces closer and closer to each other, until their lips touched. Seconds later, the kiss was broken.

"Did you enjoy that Odette?"

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