Part 2

12 1 9

Odette was stunned. She never thought that Arabella, her Arabella, had a side like this. It was... wonderful. Odette leaned down, about to kiss her love once more, when she heard voices(Take you meds kids-) coming from just outside the door.

"Oh god."

"What is it?" asked a curious Arabella.

Odette hastily moved away from the other woman, mumbling, "People coming". Arabella responded with a small nod right as two men, around the age of twenty-four, were led in by Odette's parents.

"Hello girls," greeted Emillie, Odette's mother. After a short pause she continues, "These two gentlemen are here to marry you."

Arabella stared at her lover's mother, silently praying to any god that would listen to make this nightmare end.  She slowly turned her head to look at her love, seeing a mix of horror and shock etched on her face.

"M-mother?" was stuttered from a ghost white Odette, who paused for a moment before continuing, "Mother, why must we marry these... men?"

"If you must know Odette," Emillie said in an annoyed tone, "You, both of you, must marry these men to prove to other families that you aren't... that you don't... that women have never crossed your mind in a romantic way."

Odette and Arabella glanced at each other, turning away quickly as soon as their eyes met.  The eye contact reminded them both of their previous doings (sadly not each other... yet😏).


This is kinda short, I know, the next one shall be longer, but this is all the energy I had for this.

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 23 ⏰

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