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april 23'


"HEY PRETTY GIRL." JUDE SMILED widely as kiana got sat herself in the passenger seat. he leaned over with his arms open going in for a hug.

"hey jude." kiana shyly greeted the boy back, accepting his hug. jude had arrived to pick her up just twenty minutes after their phone call. although she was enjoying her time with her sister, she was more than excited to be spending some more time with jude.

"so where are you taking me then?" kiana asked, slightly turning down the music playing in the car then looked towards jude who softly hummed, keeping his eyes on the road.

"nowhere in particular really. just thought we could find a spot, maybe catch the sun setting." when he had the chance he turned to look at the girl sat next to him, giving her a smile.

"oh and i've got some snack in the backseat if you're hungry."

"jude you didn't have to," kiana looked behind her to find a carrier bag filled with snacks. "thank you." the boy smiled in response and got back to driving.

the two of them enjoyed the car ride filled with music, laughter and discussing their day with each other. kiana started to notice how comfortable she had gotten with jude since they'd been spending more time with each other.

she felt as though she could really be herself around him in the short amount of time they'd known each other.

jude eventually parked his car in an empty car park which had a great landscape. he turned off the engine and took off his seatbelt.

"here we are, let's go." the footballer jumped out the car and quickly got to the passenger side and opened kiana's door for her. once the girl was out the car, jude grabbed the bag of food before leading her to a bench near by.

"it's nice just being out here with no one else around." kiana spoke up after sitting herself down. she looked around and took in their surroundings enjoying the light breeze. "it's very peaceful."

"yeah it's good to just get away from all the noise whilst you can." jude picked up the bag and reached for a pack of strawberries. "would you like some?"

"please." kiana grinned.

"here, have this big one." jude picked up the strawberry from the stem and handed it over to kiana. he watched as she took a big bite out of it, squealing as the juices ran down her mouth.

"she's a juicy one and is trying to ruin my top." kiana playfully groaned before wiping away the juicies from her face.

jude chuckled before taking a bite from his own strawberry. "who knew you'd be such a mess." he joked.

"i know you're not talking judith." the girl beside him rolled her eyes.

"what's that supposed to mean?" kiana shrugged her shoulders then stood up.

"come one, i want to take some pictures of the sunset." she grabbed onto jude's arm with both arms in attempt to drag him up from where he sat. jude stood up and let himself get dragged away.

"if you don't slow down my arms going to fall off." he joked as kiana began to pick up her pace. the girl slowed down and let out a 'whatever'.

kiana found a great spot to take pictures from, pulling out her phone to get a couple shots of the sunset. she smiled down at her phone as she was completely satisfied with her pictures.

"i never usually get to watch the sun go down, but i love it." kiana spoke with a slight smile appearing on her face. "it's so pretty."

she wished she had a lot more time to just do simple things such as this. with such a busy career it wasn't often her mind could be put at ease.

jude stood behind kiana and wrapped his arms around her shoulders — essentially hugging her from behind, and lightly placed his head against hers. "i think you're prettier, got a better view stood in front of me."

kiana giggled and slightly turned her head to look jude in the eyes before playfully rolling her eyes. "you're such a flirt jude."

"don't act like you hate it."

"i don't." kiana had never received so many compliments from a guy that resulted in her getting butterflies, until jude. the boy couldn't help but smile, knowing that his words had an affect on kiana. he kissed her cheek and went back to admiring the other view in front of him.


@KIANAMILLER added to their story

゜✧*̣̩☽⋆゜NIA's THOUGHTShi my loves!! hows everyone been?im convinced that a war with this app was about to happen - but finally an update!!also can we talk about WALK LIKE THIS!!!im loving it sm

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hi my loves!! hows everyone been?
im convinced that a war with this app was about to happen - but finally an update!!
also can we talk about WALK LIKE THIS!!!
im loving it sm.
anyways hope you enjoyed this one
please vote and comment for more 🫶🏽

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