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brielle sat in the library bored out of her mind. she knew she was supposed to be writing her paper, but the wind running through the trees was so much more interesting. with her head in her palm she stared outside. she noticed the sun starting to set and figured she should just go back to her dorm. brielle hastily packed up her things trying to avoid walking back in the dark. she stood up out of her booth and started walking.

she glanced down at her phone and immediately slammed into someone.
"oh shit i'm sorry, i just wasn't paying attention." brielle apologized bending down to pick up her extra books that didn't fit in her bag. the person she slammed into bent down to help her.
"it's no big deal love." the person said. her voice made brielle weak. brielle looked up at the beautiful woman in front of her.

she was a beautiful deep brown with locs whisked away in a bun. she had a soft lineup with a short taper. her right eyebrow was pierced. her pearly white smile made brielle swoon.
"i-uh-uh..." brielle stuttered. she managed to stand up with the mystery woman handing her the last of her books.
"i'm gia." she said. brielle continued to stare at who she now knew as Gia.
"your name?" gia asked. brielle finally snapped out of her trance and introduced herself.

"i'm brielle... sorry for not paying attention to where i was going."
"i told you it was okay." gia replied. she gave the girl a once over. Brielles sides were freshly cut. she had just twisted her hair the night before, her blondish color peeking through the natural brown. gia was intrigued by the shorter woman in front of her.
"where are you in such a rush to be?" gia asked. brielle pushed her glasses up then glanced at the window. the sun had gone down.

"well i was trying to make it back to my dorm before it got dark but now im gonna have to walk in the dark."
"which building do you live in brielle?" the way gia said brielle's name made her feel small, but in a good way.
"mm an honors student, i can walk back with you. i also live in that building."
"i've never seen you before... which floor do you live on?"
"the fifth." gia said.
"oh, i live on the third." brielle replied.

she rarely ever went up past her floor, she didn't need to. the pair walked out the library into the night. brielle let out a breath preparing herself for the walk. there was a slight chill in the air.
"let me hold some of those." gia said. brielle handed gia a couple of her books.
"you're a sophomore?" brielle asked. gia shook her head.
"a junior." she said.
"what's your major?" they asked each other at the same time. the women shared a laugh before brielle answered.

"forensics major and chem minor."
"you're into science huh? i could tell by your books." gia said. brielle nodded and looked back at her waiting for a reply.
"criminal justice and psychology. double major." gia replied like it was nothing. brielle raised her eyebrows, she loved smart people. it made gia that much more attractive. the pair continued their walk getting to know each other until they got to the plots. some of them had people on them. laughing, talking, and eating food. brielle stopped walking. 

"you need to tie your shoe? why did you stop?" gia asked.
"this is why i didn't want to walk in the dark. there's no way for me to get back to our building without crossing the plots."
"they be bothering you?" gia asked with a slight tone. she was annoyed that these idiots made it hard for brielle, she didn't deserve that. brielle nodded and stayed slightly behind gia. gia sighed and faced the smaller woman.

"look, they're gonna be here for a while so we can't wait it out. we can do it together, alright?" gia replied, she put brielles books in one hand and stuck out her hand to brielle.
"i gotchu." gia said. brielle sighed and grabbed the woman's hand. the two started walking with brielle visibly scared. the walked through most of the courtyard with no problem. they only had one more plot to walk around.
"see that wasn't too b-" gia started before she was cut off.

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