Chapter 2: Elevator

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The weight of their circumstances settled heavily on Y/N and the enigmatic man, and an air of shared discomfort hung between them. As they exchanged uneasy glances, the pulsating beat of the party music, which once penetrated the elevator walls, now felt distant and muted. The rhythm of revelry outside was gradually replaced by the subdued hum of the elevator's machinery, serving as a stark reminder of their confined and immobile state.

"Great. Just great," Y/N grumbled under her breath, the audible frustration in her voice mirroring the tumultuous thoughts racing through her mind. She shifted her weight, leaning wearily against the elevator wall as if seeking support from the unyielding confines of their temporary prison. The encounter on the dance floor, coupled with the mysterious man's denial, had left her bewildered and on edge.

The man, appearing resigned to their shared fate, released a sigh that echoed the acceptance of their predicament. "Look, I didn't push you. I have no reason to do that. Can we focus on getting out of here instead of accusing me?" His plea carried a sense of sincerity, a plea to redirect their attention from suspicion to the more pressing matter of escaping their confined space.

Y/N, however, wasn't ready to relinquish her skepticism. She narrowed her eyes, a lingering doubt etched in her gaze. "Fine, but if this is some kind of prank or game, it won't end well for you." Her warning held a subtle threat, a declaration that any deception would be met with consequences.

An eyebrow arched on the man's face, a flicker of amusement glinting in his eyes. "Believe me, I just want to get out of here." His response, though tinged with humor, carried a genuine plea for cooperation, emphasizing their shared goal of escape from any potential discord.

The two of them began inspecting the elevator, looking for any clues about why it had stopped. Y/N couldn't shake the feeling that there was something off about the situation, but the urgency of the moment pushed her suspicions aside. As they searched for a way to contact building security or maintenance, she remembered that she could contact Yuna. She notices a message from Yuna that was sent a few minutes ago.

"Hey, where are you? The party is amazing! I lost track of time, but I'll find you soon. Don't worry!" -Yuna

Y/N rolled her eyes, realizing that Yuna was oblivious to the situation in the elevator. She quickly replied, "Bro, I am literally stuck in the elevator with a weirdo. Please help." However the text message did not go through, it wouldn't send. So Y/N and the mysterious man continued their attempts to get the elevator moving again. As they fiddled with the control panel, Y/N couldn't shake the feeling that something was off about the man. His sincerity about not pushing her clashed with his looks, resembling the same man who pushed her.

Was this the man she danced with? She couldn't necessarily be confident in saying so because the dance room was dim, so maybe this man is indeed different and she is messing him up with someone who looks similar. However, she was certain that the outfit and mask were the same, but his voice sounded different. Clear and soft, notably different from the man's flirtatious voice.

With a heavy sigh that seemed to carry the weight of their peculiar circumstances, Y/N decided to break the silence that hung between her and the mysterious man. "So, what happened out there if you didn't push me? Why were you in such a hurry to the elevator?"

The man hesitated, a momentary pause that hinted at the complexity of his explanation. "I was... chasing someone. Not you. There was a mix-up, I guess."

Y/N raised an eyebrow, skepticism returning like an unwelcome guest. "Chasing someone? In the middle of a party? Why?"

Releasing another sigh, the man embarked on his explanation, attempting to shed light on the bizarre situation. "Look, I'm not here to cause trouble. I'm actually searching for my friend. He tends to get a bit crazy when he's drunk, and I'm afraid he might end up doing something he regrets, like forgetting to have someone sign an NDA."

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