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The door swings open almost immediately, giving the impression that Kuroo was ready by the door. Likely having heard your approach, he just couldn't wait to have you over again. "Welcome back."

And now with him standing in front of you, you hang up the phone call. "Thanks."

When he brings you inside and takes your belongings off your hands to help you settle, your eyes are drawn to two figures seated at the kotatsu in the living room, both already watching you.

"Welcome!" The boy with grey hair beams, his eyes squinting with his too-wide smile. "Kuroo told us some stuff 'bout you!"

"And it seems he conveniently left out an essential detail," the other boy adds, exuding a calmer energy with a flirtatious undertone. "Didn't want us to know that your neighbour was a cutie as well?"

Your raised brows convey uncertainty as you grapple with how to respond. You appreciate the warm welcome and yet, the energy radiating from the two boys feels intense... and this is them on their best behaviour?

"Guys, meet Y/n," Kuroo introduces, his hand gently on your lower back and guiding you forward. "Y/n, the one with the crazy look on his face is Bokuto, and the one who's blushing and batting his eyelashes is Oikawa."

"Hey! I'm not batting anything!" Oikawa protests, his voice assertive yet maintaining his charm. Just one look at him screams playboy — perfectly styled brown hair, round eyes of the same hue, similar to milk chocolate, giving off a soft, romantic allure. And his perfectly rosy lips and deep dimples further accentuates his charm.

"Don't scare off our new friend!" Bokuto chimes in, reaching across the table to slap Oikawa's arm. "Come here, Y/n. You can practice on me first!"

Sensing your tension from the energetic welcome, Kuroo places your belongings on the kotatsu and gestures to one of the available cushions on the floor. "Get comfortable," he says gently. "I have a feeling you'll be here for a while."

Kuroo nods to his friends, a reminder to behave before disappearing into the kitchen. A part of you wants to run into the kitchen with him, just to avoid the situation you willingly chose for yourself.

"Oh, what's this here?" Boktuo dangles your stethoscope in the air like he's never seen one before. "You listen to people's butts with this?"

"Are you fucking serious?" Oikawa sharply retorts, snatching the stethoscope. "Y/n is gonna listen to our hearts with this, right?" He turns to you, the sparkle in his eye causing your heart to skip a beat.

They've said plenty ever since you stepped inside Kuroo's unit., and you still haven't peeped a single word.

"Guys!" Kuroo yells from the kitchen, the clinking of glasses accompanying his voice. "Try not to scare her away, okay? Just let her do her thing."

Then, silence, an uncomfortable, weighty silence. After another second, you take a deep, steadying breath. "Nurses don't listen to people's butts."

Your words catch you off guard as Bokuto and Oikawa burst into laughter, joined by Kuroo. "I know! I was just kidding!" Bokuto beams. "Come, sit! Show us everything you know."

You chuckle nervously before sitting next to him. Great, you think as you open your laptop and prepare your blood pressure cuff. I just met them and I already butchered the first impression. What's next?

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