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The day is bright. And the weather is nice too. Not too hot but not too cold too. It's month of August. Everyone is busy on the house and other's is in the school. I am Lyka, HM— 4th year college student. When it's comes to my course, im enjoying it because i really like what i take. And when i got home. Mom was so happy because I don't know what the reason for her smile?

Until a cute puppy show up. At first i was so confused because, i thought in this house pet or any kind of animals is forbidden because lola don't want it. When i see this little puppy i was so happy. Like she's so cute.

"Mom? What her name? Who give her here?" I asked it.

"You're tito." I just nod my head.

When i hold this puppy, she's fluffy like mamon. She's really cute. Her hair is so soft too. You can't believe that this dog is real. She's just like a doll if you look at her.

"Her name?"

"Yana. "

"Wow cute! SHe is really ours?" I was so amazed. I can't explain how excited i am to have a pet like her.


August had passed. Now it's February. May month and my new year was ao greatful ang happy. I celebrate Christmas and New year with my whole family ofcourse with my puppy. Yana was my bestfriend since she come in the family. She gave the whole family a happines. That's why when February 7, 2024 morning come.

I said goodbye to her, and i said , i have something will be fixed for a while.But when I got home she was gone. I feel like I'm going crazy because of what mom said. Like I can't accept the fact Yana is gone. Like really gone. Like she will never be back. I said in myself, this is just a bad dream. A nightmare. But when the time was passed by, i realized something. My bestfriend— Yana is really gone. She's gone and she will be back never again.

I cried all day because i cannot accept that Yana was gone. I didn't accept. I am broken at the same time im in pain. Really really pain. I can't stop crying. I hope even Yana was not here i hope she's not angry to me because i am not around when the time she needed me most.

Rest in peace my bestfriend.

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