𝟏𝟏. 𝐃𝐞𝐚𝐥 𝐃𝐨𝐧𝐞

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Hello munchkins , how are you doing all so i just want to say that the one who haven't voted on previous chapters please spare some time for me and vote on that , it will take few minutes for you but it will be so helpful for me .

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Now you can start the chapter -

As usual i was working on my laptop when i got a call from Nikhil

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As usual i was working on my laptop when i got a call from Nikhil.

"Good Evening Sir" - nikhil said from the other side.
"Hmm" - i replied, my focus still on the spreadsheet in front of me.
"Sir Miss Mishika has send money in my account" - he said.
"For what" - i questioned, my eyebrow rising in confusion. Why the hell nikhil is taking money from her?

"Sir you demanded money from her for car damage" - he reminded me. Oh shit , how can i forget this, this girl has disturbed all the strings of my mind. I never forget even small things.

"Sir, are you there?" - Nikhil asked. Yes!!
"But sir this money is not even the half of the real damage" - he informed.
"Do one thing return"- I commanded, after giving it a thought. "All the money to same account." 

"What" - nikhil screamed with astonishment.
"I don't repeat , nikhil" - i stated coldly and cut the call. If she thinks that she can be free from me this easily then she is so wrong. if she has started something then i will be the one who will end this.

The Next Day (At Emerald) :-

My day was going good until Nikhil informed me that Mr. Rathore is here to meet me. Oh God why the hell this daughter and dad duo is not ready to spare me !! "May i come in" - Mr. Rathore smiled as soon nikhil opened the door. Only i know how much fake this person is !! "Yes , please sit" - i stated with blank face.

"How's life treating you" - he asked, attempting to make small talk.
"Good, Sir" - i replied curtly.
"You don't need to be so formal with me after all we are practically family!" - he laughed again , only i know how much i hate this laugh.

"But sir we haven't decided it now , so it will be good if we behave formally"- i cleared my point of view so that he will understand that i am in no mood to marrying his daughter.

"Anshumaan beta when you are coming back to Rajasthan, i will show you our new project building" - he told me excitedly. i understand it very well why he is asking me to come there so he can pressurize my family for my marriage.
"Not now, sir i am too indulge into my work" - I responded firmly.
"No need to worry , you will have to come at your engagement then we will see that and you know that how much your grandparents wants you to marry shreya" - he  replied with a knowing smile.

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