Episode 119

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Mr1: Humph... When you defeat me...huh? This might throw cold water on that enthusiasm of yours, but ever since I gained Dice Dice Powers, I've never been given a scratch by those who call themselves swordsmen. No swordsman can defeat me.
Zoro: Ahh... I get the picture..but you can store all those old tales away in an album. I don't know how many swordsmen you've fought in the past, but we've never met before, so...
Mr1: It seems that at least your tongue is sharp. He ran to him
Zoro: Thanks, badly. He blocked Mr .1 kick... Mr. 1 was able to slowly push for the back.
Mr1: we'll see how long you'll last.
Zoro: No, how long you'll last? He was able to get Mr 1 off of him.
Mr 1 went to use his sword hands to stack him. Zoro was able to block Them with both swords. but got pushed back. And get him off of him once again.
Mr 1 went to kick Zoro. Zoro was able to bend back before the Sharp blade of his foot came to him and backfilp to get away. Mr 1 went to attack as he was going to land but Zoro did the attack. And landed behind him. And looked back to see that Mr. 1 attacked with his hand. Zoro was about to Barly to dodge it. And they went back and forth. Until Zoro stopped his hand and kicked him back. He put his third sword in his mouth.
Oni... Giri! He was able to attack him. And jumped in the air. Tiger... Trap! And swing on his chest. And landed on his foot. He looked back as he put his swords away. Only to see Mr 1 was unharmed.
Mr: I told you,  didn't I...?
Zoro: It's a little shocking that you didn't even get a single bruise... This was also the first time my opponent was still standing when I thought my attacks were solid.
Mr 1: Of course...since we've never met before...
Zoro smiled.
Mr 1 went to kick him only to miss.
His feet had blades on them.
Zoro: That's right. He blocks his attack. This guy's entire body is a blade. So his base doesn't have a front or back. Mr 1 went to kick him only for Zoro to dodge.
Mr 1 sparking Daisy! He went to use his hands to attack it to got blocked by two swords
The attack affects a building behind them and slices it in half.
I'll blow you away.  He pushed Zoro into the building. As it lands on him.
Zoro: Mind When it comes to training, I've done more than anyone else. I've also been in many difficult situations that had me on the brink.
When I defeat you, I'll be a man who can even cut steel.
Mr 1: I've never been given even a scratch by anyone.
Zoro: What is it that I lack...?
Young Zoro: Teacher....! Teacher!
Teacher: Hm?
Young Zoro: is it true there are men in this world who can cut anything, even steel?
M Teacher: Yes, it's true. Now watch this paper carefully, Zoro. He threw the paper up. And swing at it.
Young Zoro: Teacher, you didn't cut it
M Teacher: Listen, Zoro. There are swordsmen out there who are capable of cutting nothing. But they can also cut anything even steel... using the same sword... The strongest swordsmen can protect that which they want to protect and cut that which they want to cut. Sword splay that harms whatever it touches... I don't consider it real swordsmanship. Do you understand?
Young Zoro looked at him.
Young Zoro: Teacher, I'll be a swordsman who can but anything!
Teacher: Zoro, we're you listening to what I was saying?
End of flashback.
Zoro: What was it that Stella told me?
Stella was training.
Zoro: Do you think it's possible to cut steel?
Stella: Of course, I did it before.
Zoro: What. Can you teach me?
Stella: That depends on if you can win a fight against me.
Zoro: What
Stella: If you can I'll teach you if you can't you'll have to learn it yourself.
Zoro: Okay.
Usopp, Chopper, Luffy, and Sanji were sitting waiting for Zoro and Stella to fight.
Sanji: You hurt Stella-sama I'll fight you myself.
Usopp: I wonder who's going to win
Chopper: I vote for Zoro.
Luffy: No way Stella.
Zoro: Are you sure you want to do this
Stella: What bad could happen?
Not doing all of that. Stella won and had Zoro swords in her hands.
All: Whoa. Stella won.
Zoro had a couple of buries.
Stella: I guess that could happen. You'll have to learn yourself.
Zoro: Can you say at least tell me what kind of sword you had?
Chopper: I would also like to know.
Stella: I could use Zoro swords to tell you guys.
Stella had one of Zoro's swords in front of them.
Stella: The sword looked like this but. The blade from here to here was off. Leaving only the back and the bottom and tip having the actual blade.
A/n It's Shinobu sword just look it up. I know it makes no sense seeing how her sword is for poison. But hey this is my story. If you want to say something different go ahead and do 93 parts sorry actually more seeing how I skipped some or shortened it so if you do all have fun doing all 113 parts.
All: What.
Zoro: That's not even a sword.
Stella: Of course It is. I was actually supposed to have that instead as my weapon instead of my whip.
Chopper: So why didn't you...
Stella: Because it was my friend's weapon. I couldn't take that away from her so she gave me this. This is why I didn't get a sword in Longtown if I did that I would be losing a part of her. She smiled. Plus if you don't think it's a powerful weapon. She still uses the weapon to this day and she has a 5 billion bounty on her just because of her weapon.
All: 5 billion
Stella: Yeah. Maybe one day we can visit her on an island. The one I grew up on.
Sanji: To be where Stalla grew up I'd love to.
Chopper: Me too. She must be amazing
Usopp: 5 billion berries.
Stella: Yeah she would love to meet some of my friends like I promised.
All: Ya.
End Flashback.
Zoro got up.
Mr 1: Humph... Hurry up and try cutting me. You can't cut my body down of you just defend.
Zoro: Unfortunately, I don't think I can show you my valiant figure cutting steel... He was lifting a building. Because when I cut steel that's when you die.
Mr 1: Makes sense...
Zoro threw the building on him.
I'll cut....everything up into pieces!
Zoro: Mind. "swordplay that's cuts nothing...huh?
Mr 1: How pointless. I'll cut everything up into pieces
Zoro: Sorwdplay that cut nothing. Cut nothing...but cut steel. I don't understand what it means at all! Thrust and Thrust... This is the secret of power swordplay!
Mr 1: Atomic spar! He cuts the building before it hits him
Zoro: I'll cut you up! He ran to him cutting the building. Zoro attacked while Mr 1 just blocked him. He was able to push back MR 1. He went to attack but Mr 1 blocked him with his foot. But Zoro was able to use his sword on his face. As Mr 1 landed Zoro had his sword to his neck.
Crab... Grab! He was able to knock Mr 1 back. He looked to see it did nothing.
What an odious bastard...
Mr 1: The feeling is mutual. Let me tell you one thing. Don't consider me a swordsman. I have many weapons that can tear your body up. He has multiple blades on his arm. And it started to spin.
Spiral Hollow!
Zoro: If you are not a swordsman... then an excavator! He went to attack
Mr 1: I'm an assassin!
He blocked Zoro swords which made a spark.
Zoro: Mind. Sparks? Just how fast is it spinning? They'll be repelled! Mr 1 pushed him back.
Mr 1: I can't do excavation... because I'll drill and cut everything up.
Zoro: Crap!
Mr 1 put his blades together and used them on Zoro's chest pushing him back. And punched him. Making him bleed more
What a monetary misjudgment invited is...death! He turned his hands to the blade and slashed Zoro. Making him hit the colon. Be licked the blood of his hands. He walked to him.
Zoro thinks about Mihawk And Stella. Two people he can't beat.
You're still breathing...
Zoro uses his hands to get up a little
I won't show my back to him...
Mr 1: How're you gonna struggle with your m bare hands?
He leans on the colon.
Zoro: You're not even a swordsman. You won't understand even if I explain.
Mr 1: Humph... I'm not even interested. Spark.... Breaks! She slashes Zoro once again. Even breaking the colon behind him. He walks away as the piece falls on him.
Die in peace...
Zoro: I have...bad luck with stones today.
Stella: You guys! Make sure you deliver Vivi back to her home!
Zoro: See you at the Alubarna Palace!
Stella: I know you'll be a great swordsman one day and I'll be right with you.
Zoro: Are they...all okay? Zoro is standing up.
Mr 1: Why is he standing...? After being cut so many times... Did he dodge all those falling stones?
Zoro: I dodged... those stones? No... I could tell...the place where no stone would be falling... Swords.... There's one underneath that's stone... I can tell...
Mr 1: What's he doing?
Zoro moved the bolder. To see his Wado sword.
I've experienced this feeling before...
He remembers fighting Mihawk.
It's awfully quiet around me....
I can hear my heartbeat very clearly...  Is this...precisely what it feels like when close to death?.. I sense a hint from falling stone as if they're living things... No, it wasn't a hint... It was clearer than that... Rhythm... Stone's...rhythm... Trees have their own rhythm... Soil has its own... Is that what it is...?
M Teacher Listen. There are swordsmen out there who are capable of cutting nothing.
Zoro: What does" cutting nothing" mean?.. know the rhythm...? That's the ability to cut even steel...
Mr 1: You....what the hell did you do? After receiving such an enormous attack... When you're bleeding that much... There's no way you can be alive...!
Zoro looks at him. Mr 1 is talking but Zoro doesn't hear him.
I can hear...the rhythm of his steel... My mind will be flowing into the sword... He wants to cut the leaves on a tree and nothing happens. He then cuts the building
Mr 1: fine... I'll completely finish him off with the next attack.
Zoro: The real question is whether to not I really have the ability to cut steel...
Mr 1 It's hard to think that you can defend my attack using only one sword...
Zoro: That's all right. I won't defend anymore.
Mr 1: So you're now prepared. Fine by me!
Zoro put his sword away. One-sword style... Lion strike!
Mr 1: Atomic Spurt!
Zoro was squatting while Mr 1 was behind him and he started to bleed
Zoro: I give you my thanks... I can become stronger still!
Mr 1: He's indeed... become stronger during this fight...
Zoro falls down.
Are you...going to cut diamond or something next...?
Zoro: Thats would be a waste.
Mr 1: You win... He falls down.
Fight against Mr 1 vs Zoro
Winner Zoro.

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