The Hunting dogs: Jouno Saigiku

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(of course i biasedly start with my favorite character and 

who i base my identity on<3)

Jouno's ability , Priceless tears allows him to atomize himself and control his particles. We know that he can change his state (as in state of matter) to either gas or solid meaning his ability uses a process called sublimation (solid -> gas) and reverse sublimation (gas -> solid) to turn his body from a solid to gas and back again.  

We see in his fight with Fukuchi, he claims to be less dense than steam. the density of steam is 0.6 kg/m³ meaning his density ranges from 0.59.....9kg/m³ to a number that's very close but not zero  (0.00.......1kg/m³), but from the fact he could not break through Akutagawa's Rashomon (space disruption). We can safety assume his density is 0.59.....9kg/m³≤. 

-His ability can be enhanced by setting him on fire(heating him up with a fire) which give his particles more heat energy which is then turned into kinetic energy which he can use to his advantage to speed up and cover more ground. (edit: just re-read manga 21, lighting him on fire will actually destroy him.....)

How to imitate:

- Sublime the Humen body (please do not attempt-)

- boil a human body at human body boiling point until a gas (also do not try this you will die-)

- a future method scientist may come up with

(may update once i get more information, sorry its short T~T)

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