Chapter 2

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"Mayla dear, I suggest you to start working again, it's been a long time since you've been to school. The students must be missing you." Mrs.Jeon said with a gentle tone.
Mayla nodded and drank water. "My dear, please try to live in the moment, in life again. There are so many people who love you so much." Her aunt said.

"Aunty-" She said in a low voice, "I want to marry."

Her aunt smiled. "Dear, who do you want to marry?"

"I want to marry Rayyan." Mayla said as Mrs.Jeon's smile dropped. "Who Rayyan, my child?"

"Rayyan is Jungkook's bestfriend." Mayla said in a low voice.

"Did you tell him that you love him?" Mrs.Jeon asked in a voice of disbelief.

"No I only admired him from afar and prayed for him." Mayla said in a low voice. "Okay dear I will talk to Rayyan." Mrs.Jeon said with a smile but her heart clenched thinking that what Jungkook will have to go through.


Taehyung kept the files in his cabinet.
He sat down on his chair as he squinted his eyes on his laptop screen at the email he received.

"Meet me at Parkers club at 11pm, if you don't, the consequences won't be good for you."

Taehyung frowned. He closed the laptop completely ignoring the threat.

Someone entered his office after knocking twice.

"Sir I think you should send the project of your Spain's property tonight." His secretary spoke.

"I don't like people telling me what to do." Taehyung replied in a stern voice.

The secretary gulped and spoke nothing further, leaving Taehyung to do as he wills. No one can change his will nor his decisions... except that one woman.

Asiya set up the dinner table and sat down waiting for Taehyung to arrive home. She saw Fina going somewhere, but why at 10pm? It seemed suspicious. "You don't know any routes in Seoul, are you sure you want to go somewhere at this time?" Asiya questioned.

"I know how to take care of myself." She said and left. Asiya was dumbfounded.


A tall man walked back and forth after opening the suit case filled with money, "5 million USD for one f*cking job!" He yelled at the girl who flinched.

"I am trying my best, and I will make sure she's with you in no time sir. Use whatever, do whatever! I need her!" He yelled.

The girl nodded and left the dark room while shivering in fear. She had stepped into a dangerous trap for addiction. This danger was now getting on her nerves.


"You got late today." Asiya asked Taehyung who sat down on the table.
"How're you Meri jaan?" He asked and kisses her forehead gently. "I am good. How're you?" She asked and smiled. "I am also good- oh- you made my favorite type of pasta today." He smiled. "Yes, I wanted you to get refreshed as you said you have a lot of pending work." Taehyung nodded and started eating.

"Did Fina eat?" He asked.

"No, she left home seeming that she doesn't think it's important to tell me where she's going." Asiya replied.

"Oh- okay." Taehyung said and continued eating, "Leave her, she will know what she's doing. She's a grown up woman." Taehyung said.

"What if she gets in trouble?" Asiya asked in a low voice.

"Don't worry, she herself is the trouble." He chuckled lightly as Asiya also smiled a little in response.


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