Epsiode 122

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Crocodile was lying on the ground
A/n He looks so pathetic now.
Stella L: Now get up! Crocodile!  Get up and face me!
Crocodile sits up. And laughs.
Usopp: What. A cannonball will be shot into the square in ten minutes.
Vi: That's right. The attack is scheduled at 4:30.
Nmai: 4:30?
Vi: Once it's shot, no one within a 5 km diameter will survive. That's what Crocodile said!
Nami: Within a 5 km diameter... then...
Chopper: Both the Rebel army and the Royal army will be completely destroyed!
Luffy: That Damn gator!
Usopp: What the hell will we do?
Zoro: Fine the cannoneer. Well, stop the attack!
Chopper: Fine the Cannoneer?
Nami: So how do we find him? In ten minutes. We don't have time to think right!
Zoro: But a Km diameter this guy is aiming as years 2.5 I'm from here, right?
Vi: No, that's not true. The cannoneer is pro alt near this square!
Usopp: What? Why? If is that the case the cannoneer will also be blown up...
Nami: So that's the kind of man Crocodile is.
Chopper: He doesn't care if his own men die?
Sanji: What a crafty Bastard...
Zoro: Let's go, all day!
A man went to attack Vivi.
Zoro and Sanji worked together.
Zoro blocked the sword whole Sanji kicked the man.
Man: We found you, Princess Vivi!
Men were surrounding them.
Vi: Billoins!
Sanji: Ten minutes minus how many seconds?
Zoro: Hey, we're wasting time by taking.
Both: Two seconds!
Nami: I'll go on ahead. Usopp and Chopper followed Nmai.
Sanji kicked some men. 1.5 seconds!
Zoro sliced some men
Don't slow down idiot!
Sanji: Same to you!
Two men want to attack them
But Luffy stopped them. They all continue to fight.
Usopp: Let's split up! At any rate, gotta get out of this dust devil first!
Pell went to the sky.
Zoro: Okay, hurry up! Let's go!
Sanji: Yeah. They went the opposite way. Luffy went with Sanji.
Vi: This is really...the last chance! The next ten minutes will decide...this country's fate...! 
Stella: Mind Luffy wouldn't mind. She placed his hat down gently.
Crocodile: You think you can defeat me...?
Stella L: Yeah... since you can no longer turn into sand.
Corodile: I'm indeed impressed that you figured it out especially when you were close to dying... But that is still nowhere near enough to put you on the same level as me. That is the level of the warlords of the sea.
Stella: So what if you're the seven Warlords of the sea? I guess when I bet you that would make me the Eight Warlord of the sea!
Crocodile: Wrong. You would be the ninth
Stella L: What.
Crocodile: There are eight warlords of the sea.
Cobra: Who on earth is that man?
Miss Sunday: He's a pirate. Haven't you heard!
Crocodile: Looks like the princess escaped death once again.
Cobra: Then he is the one... Who brought Vivi back to this country...
Miss Sunday: Along with his Sister.
Stella L: Gum-Gum.... Pistol!
Corodile: It's no good if I Dodged it. Whether it was or not... He grabbed her arm. My hands can absorb any kind of fluid.
Stella L: Damnit! I forgot he could do that! She ran to him. And went to kick him. Only for Crocodile to turn into sand and let him
Stella drinks some water. And she got the moisture to her arm back.
Stella L: you told me didn't you...?
She gets herself all wet.
Depending on how Devil Fruit peers are used, you can become stronger. Gum-Gum.... Pistol! She stretched her arms to punch him.
Corodile smiled.
Stella tugged on her arm.
Making multiple fists come at him
Shotgun! Corodile backed away
Impertinent brat! Desert Spada! He cracked the ground
Stella L: Mind That thing again? She moved out of the way. She looked to see the ground cut in half. I have to think like Luffy That was too close... Gum-Gum...! She ran while going to punch him.
Crocodile: You keep using the same technique. Are you trying to win?
Stella L: Yeah! Totally! She was in his face and punched him.
My goal was this from the start! Tim to get soaking wet! She threw the barrel at him.
That's obviously what you'd want to do! Sales! He made a sandstorm. Making the Barrel and Stella fly.
Stella: The Barrel! She stretched her arms to get it.
Corodile: You're struggling desperate Straw Hat Luffy... You can do anything without the Barrel after all. This isn't any different from my fight with your pathetic sister.
Stella L: I guess your right. It's no different than this... I'm going to regret doing this. She drinks all of the water
A/n This is why she's in Luffy's body.
Then, how about his?
Corodile: Are you serious?
Stella/Luffy's body was like a big balloon.
Stella: Water Luffy. A leak came out.
Corodile: Is this brat... serious.?
Stella L: Bloated with water she was able to stop.
Mind the first time I use my devil fruit in years I have to do this.
Miss Sunday laughs.
Corodile: Doesn't he get what's happening right now? Stop messing around, you damn brat! He went to attack. But Stella spit out water to make his whole body wet
Stella L: Who's messing around?  She stretched her arms. I'm always serious! Gum-Gum! Bazooka! She uses her hand to push him and crash into a small building.
Cobra: I can't believe it...! He beat the Crocodile... Who on earth is this boy...?
Miss Sunday: This is no time to be impressed right, Mr. Cobra? She used her devil fruits to have hands to remove the nails. Bie, you show me the way...to where the poneglyph is!
Cobra: What in the world are you going to do...by looking for it? She had a hand on his back
Miss Sunday: Don't ask pointless questions. All you have to do is show me the way... She looked at Stella/Luffy. I wonder if your luck is running out. There isn't much time left. Corodile sits up.
Go already, Nico Robin...unless you wanna be dried up, too. I'm losing my... Patience...
Cobra: Nico Robin?
Robin: Yes, as you wish. She takes him away.
Crordile: Listen up, Straw Hat. Every rock on the ground can be destroyed. He has his hand on the grass
Stella: The grass is withering away.
Ground secco! He breaks the ground into pieces. Stella falls in but can catch herself.
That was too close! This bastard! water-water! Pistol! She went to shoot at him. Only for him to block it with his hands.
Stella: stone...and even the stone statues are becoming sand... The ground...is dying...! Ah! My sandals dried up, too! Everything that's connected to his hand...Dry up!
Ground Death! Snad surrounded them.
Nami: Where is he? Where's the cannoneer? She and Chopper were running.
Chopper: We've only got eight minutes.
Nami:if we have eight minutes, we can find him! We'll stop the attack no matter what hair happens! Or the lives of a million people will be destroyed!
Sanji: A cannonball that can blow up a 5 km diameter...
Luffy: It has to be a big cannon? Could it be inside a building?
They start checking buildings.
They found nothing. Damnit. They counted to run.
Usopp: But wait..! Alubarns is completely destroyed in eight minutes...does that mean that we're all going to die in eight minutes as well?
Zoro: We don't have time to be scared!
Usopp: Look! That's it! He points to a cannon. Can we get up there...in eight minutes?
Zoro stepped on people to get to it.
Hey. Ahhh,damnit; it! He ran through.
Zoro was able to get on the building but a Royal man was there
R Man: You...! Are you from the Rebel Army?
Zoro: I don't have time to waste on you. Go to sleep.
Usopp saw Zoro use his sword on a man.
That's it! That's it!
The cannon was old.
Zoro just kicked and it broke.
Zoro: This isn't it! It's got moss on it! Pell was in the air.
Pell: I don't see him...anywhere...! There's no sign of a cannonner! Why...? Why?
Vi: Seven minutes left... She trips.
I'll stop it...I'll... She gets back up.
Cobra: Nico Robin... Is that your real name?
Robin: What if it is? It has nothing to do with you.
Cobra: A girl whose name was known throughout the world 20 years ago... Why are you here now...?
Robin: All you have to do is show me the way to the way to the poneglyph.
They look to see marines
What incredible timing you have showing up now, Navay.  Caler the way. We're in a hurry.
Tushigi: We can't! I heard everything Ray's going on here in Alaubarna from the soldier on the ground. Who do you think that person is?
Robin: Well, I don't care who it is. I have people in the Government. If you don't get out of my way...
Tushigi: We don't have the slightest intention of giving way to you!
Robin: I might have to kill you.
Cobra: Wait, Navy! Don't worry about me! We've been warned that at 4:30 pm, a cannonball will be shot into the Palace Square where the rebellion is going on right now. Please stop it somehow!
Tushigi: What...? Seven more minutes...!
Cobra: A million citizens' lives are at stake!
Tushigi: But... Then we'll save you and stop the explosion!
Man: Wait! This woman is
Tushigi: Ready!
Robin: Don't get in my way! Treinta Fleurs! Some men had arms around their necks.
Tushigi: Devil Fruit powers..
Robin: I said I was in a hurry, didn't I? Don't make me upset!
Man: Sergent Major! This woman...is Nico Robin! There's no mistake! As Captain Smoker asked, I looked for her wanted poster. She got a bounty and was talked about worldwide 20 years ago! I remember the artels appearing in Newpapee around that time. There was an incident where six Navy warships were snuck. They said that was a girl who was only eight years old and was responsible for it. The Government declared her a First-degree risk factor, and the bounty put on her head was beloved it or not, 79 million Barrie's! However, she suddenly discovered after that.
Robin: Stop your rambling! Are you gonna clear the way? Or do you all wanna die? Which is it?
Tushigi: It some there's no point in having many soldiers against this woman... Sargent! The everyone from the square and stop the explosion!
Man: But, Sergeant Major...!
Tushigi: Hurry up! There's only six minutes left.
Man: Yes, Ma'am!
They ran to do so.
Tushigi: Now, let that man go!
Robin: I said you're on my way! She has hands around her mouth and her sword pointed at her neck.
Her glasses fell.
Stella L was holding on to the edge.
That was close! His right hand is a problem... The lawn has turned into a desert! Where'd he go? You made me water my energy... He earned his neck. She went to spit some water only for him to miss.
Crordile: You missed... He added up his skin. You.. Lose. Stars Hat Luffy...

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