When your injured (redone)

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Hello everyone! I'm alive for anyone wondering! This chapter is done by my new Co-editor and author Aurorablaze. So without any more delays I will pass the..... pen I guess? Onto her.

(A/N- or is it CA/N? Cause i'm co-author? Wait, CW/N co-writer? Or, no.. E/N cause im editor? Whatever it is- Hi everyone! I'm Aurorablaze!!!! I go by she/her for anyone wondering. I will now be working alongside Moonstar to help edit her oneshots! Occasionally I will be writing some of my own, like this one!!!! I have been kinda Keeper obsessed for the past 2 years, I have read and re-read the series 3.7 times. I've annotated all my books, and done some in depth research on a specific character. 

So I know all things keeper. I have noticed a few not accurate lost cities facts in some of Moonstar's previous oneshots. Yes, I have talked to her about it. lol. So hopefully with me here, able to reference, go over, edit and research, those will become less frequent and hopefully disappear altogether. Sadly I do not have a Wattpad account yet, I promise I will get one later this year. But for now, If you have any questions for me, ask Moonstar on my behalf ;) I can't wait to join this wonderful group of people! Enjoy my first oneshot and contribution to Roses. -Your loving, soon to be properly titled, editor and co-writer, Aurorablaze.)

I reach up above me. Gripping my hands around the branch, I pull myself up. Keefe and I made a dare. Whoever can get the highest while climbing a tree in 3 minutes gets a drop-everything-and-do-whatever-I-ask-of-you favor to use at any time. There was no way I was losing, I can't imagine what Keefe would make me do. 

My body shudders at the thought. I look down at Tam below me. My boyfriend was the "witness of the winner" as Keefe called the role. He judged the winner and was our witness so we could brag about it later. He would have chosen Sophie, but she had some Team Valiant stuff to work on. Tam was currently watching me like the Gorgodon watches Wynn and Luna.

"Y/N, I think that's high enough! You just passed Keefe's height!"

"WHAT?! NO WAY! You must be boring, and blind Bangs Boy!" Keefe screeched in disbelief.

Tam gave a shrug, "Just sayin' what I see. She still has at least a minute, beat you by quite a bit."

I smirked at my time, cupping my hands and yelling down at the boys. "If I still have a minute left, I can go higher!" I get up from my crouch on the branch, hearing a small creak from it.

"Y/N... I'm not sure that's a good idea, you already won. You should come down." Tam warned, his voice still monotone. But I could hear just the tiniest bit of worry begin to creep through.

"Yeah! Please Y/N! For my sake?!" Keefe yelled.

My smirk grew at how desperate Keefe sounded to keep his reputation. "Nah! If I'm gonna beat you, I'm gonna beat you!"

Keefe whined at that. "I'm going inside. I can't watch my reputation crumble like this." He placed his hand over his heart dramatically, walking away.

Knowing I dont have much time left I jump up to grab the branch above me. The weight of my feet beginning to push off finally makes the branch give in with a loud SNAP. I reach out with my right hand as I fall, grasping for a branch to keep me from hitting the ground as I hear Tam cry my name. I just end up grasing my hand along a particularly rough branch. 

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