distant, but in love

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This was the end, no it was already way past the end. Kagiura thought to himself as he tightly gripped onto his promise ring while kneeling against the bridge.

'We won't ever meet again, It's time for me to move on'. He thought as he held he ring above the deep blue ocean, as he stared down to take a look at the ocean from the bridge. 

'Today would have been the 3 year anniversary since me and Hirano-san have talked, when Hirano-san graduated, and we left everything we had left of each other behind. '

Tear's started to form in Kagiura's eyes as he slowly looses his grip onto the ring, and it fell deep in the ocean. It disappeared from his sight within seconds. The only thing, the only memory left of Hirano was gone, swallowed up by the waves of the ocean underneath the exact bridge Hirano and Kagiura spent many memories in together.

'If we don't even talk to each other anymore, I struggle to see the point in even owning this thing. .. It.. probably doesn't even have any value anymore.' 

As Kagiura spent another few seconds mindlessly staring at the waves of the water, he heard an echo of a splash in the opposite side of the bridge.

'How familiar..'  He thought. 'They kind of have the same aura that Hirano-san had.'

Kagiura silently watched the man on the opposite side kneel down to his knees, even though he couldn't hear a single thing, he knew he was also crying.  He carefully studied his figure from a distance, he had quite a similar body shape as Hirano, he recognized the shape of his hands, even though he was quite far away. He even had a familiar haircut like Hirano's... Sort of similar to the hairstyle he had in college, but grown out, like it hasn't been taken care of for years.

Kagiura also took a quick gaze at the color, a deep dark black, which was clearly natural. It also reminded him of how Hirano looked like when he showed him a picture before he turned blonde.

He slapped his face together with both of his hands when he realized he was once again, thinking about Hirano.  

'I'm so stupid!!', he thought to himself as he started walking away, gradually running faster to try escape the nostalgic thoughts he had to Hirano. 'Even though I tried locking away everything that ever reminded me of him, the alarm clock, his jacket, the notes he let me borrow, even the ring! Everything reminds me of him, no matter how hard I try to run away.. I always think of him!'

Kagiura started to uncontrollably cry, the other person on the bridge eventually noticed.

But as he looked up towards Kagiura running, his eyes widened.

"K..Kagi-kun?" The figure with the natural black, outgrown hair said with hesitation.

It turns out, that same second Hirano also let go of his ring, to be swallowed by the waves of the ocean.


-----------------------------------A week Later--------------------------------

"Hello, I'm Kagiura Akira. E-ehm.. It's a pleasure to meet you! I'll be working here from today."

"Pfftt.. no need to be so formal!! Nice to meet you too, Kagiura-kun."

Kagiura always wanted to be a professional basketball player, it was obvious. He was in the basketball team in high school, he was liked by his teammates and coach, he was considered amazing for his age, everything was going well.

distant, but in loveWhere stories live. Discover now