New Start

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I heard the screaming again, it never seems to end. I sat at the stairs and saw the shadows of my parents struggling in another fight yet again. My father yelled at my mom, saying that she was useless, a wh*** and that I should have never existed, that I was an ''accident''. My father raised yet again his hand at my mother but this time my older brother stopped him. He told father to stop this madness but father grabbed him ''Keep disrupting me and your sister is next''. That night brother took me away from home, away from the horrible man called father. My mom left him and ran away, she told my brother a week ago: ''I can't do this anymore Jacob, please take Dee somewhere safe, somewhere where he can't hurt you or her anymore...'' I never saw my parents again.



''Hey Dee, wake up. Dee I can see a lake and if you don't wake up then I'll stop the car and throw you into it.'' I heard my brother's voice and his car driving on the road towards a new start again. I slowly opened my eyes as the sun was stinging my eyes and grabbed my shades that were laying on the dash. I put them on and answered my brother:''Can't a young woman get some rest while her brother is driving her into yet another unknown place she doesn't even want to go to in the first place.''He sighed deeply and smiled softly while keeping his eyes on the road:''You know that I couldn't turn down the job offer I was given and hey, this time we stay for good, I promise.'' I look at the road and lean into my seat:''You have said that the last four times as well fyi.'' He didn't answer me so I decided to put on my Headset and go back to sleep until we would arrive.

By the time we arrived it had already been dark. I yawned as i got out of the car and saw my brother being a happy golden retriver. I walked towards him and looked at the building where our apartment would be. It was surprisingly close to the ocean and beaches of California:''Are you gonna help me move in or not Dee?'' I come back from thoughts and quickly grabbed two boxes that I could carry.

Once we had moved everything into the apartment, Jake showed me my room that had a terrace and a beautiful view to the ocean. He knew I loved amazing views like these, probably the reason why I got this side of the apartment. As I was building up my air mattress my brother came back in and asked:''What do you want to have for dinner? We could go out and eat or if your more comfortable with ordering that's also fine.'' I looked at him and saw the look in his eyes, he wanted me to go out but he also knew that I'm more comfortable with staying at home.''Let's order for today we can go and grab some food next time with your choice of place okay?'' He smiles and nods as he then gets his phone out of his pocket.''I'll take the fried noodle box with butter chicken.'' He holds up his thumb before he leaves the room:''Leave it to me lil sis.'' I smile a little and continue unpacking while thinking about how it will be this time in another new school.

I groan as my alarm went off at 7:00am and as soon as i reached I slapped it and curled myself up into my blanket. My brother of course came in as I feared and pulled the blanket and the warmth away from my body:''Rise and shine lil cupcake It's time to socialize!'' I laid onto my back and groaned annoyed once again:''NoOoOoOo I don't wannaaa.'' He chuckled and walked away from the door and yelled with a soft laughter:''You got ten minutes until breakfast'' I sigh and slowly sit up and stretch out my arms while I yawn. Once I got out of bed I looked through my two boxes of clothes I owned and decided to go with some jeans that are cut hip high and a black top with a dreamcatcher on it. The top revealed little to almost none of my skin and the oversized dark grey jacket with angel wings on the back, covered even more. I have never felt really pretty in my own body but I didn't hate it either. I'm a 5'3ft girl with average brown hair with little blonde streaks going down to my lower back. My body is slim and my skin has a slight natural caramel tan while I got a medium to average size of chest. My lower half is average too, nice long legs, hips and a bottom that isn't too much or not enough. My face was small with soft little cheeks and soft full lips. My nose was small and my eyes had long brown lashes. What's hiding under those lashes was my biggest insecurity in public.

I looked at myself in the reflection of the window and smiled weakly. I grabbed my bag and put on my chucks and joined my brother for breakfast.

When we arrived at school I looked at my brother and sighed slightly nervous:''Do I really have to do this again? I really don't want to fall out of the crowd and be noticed again...'' My brother looked at me and gently put a hand on my head and said:''Yes you do Dee and I know how much you hate being the new girl but this time we are staying and your gonna be fine okay?'' I nod and take a deep breath as I get out and close the door. My brother lowers the window and says:''I'll pick you up later, text me when your out of school.'' I nod again:''I will and have a good day at work.'' As my brother drives off I turned towards my new school and looked around carefully. It was anything but small and the amount of students entering at this moment made me feel slightly nauseous. I took another deep breath and entered the school building. As I walked through the halls I kept my face downward and looked at my sheet of classes. I was about to look up when I bumped into someone, they seemed tall and quite broad. I look up quickly and see a set of cold piercing green eyes forcing me to stay put:''I-I'm so s-sorry.'' His eyes kept their gaze on mine while keeping his hands in the pockets of his jeans, having a rather unbothered body stance. I couldn't tell if he was mad or just completely unbothered by my presence. He had a Latino like tanned skin and black short messy hair. The sides were cut completely short while the top was silky and messy covering his eyebrows slightly. He was tall if my guess was right he is about 6'2ft and his body wasn't over muscular but rather just an average well trained body. His face was cold but soft at the same time he had a perfect jawline while his nose was slim but strong. His lips were full but not too full and I noticed that his upper lip was banged up on the left side. He was wearing a pair of washed out jeans and a black shirt showing off his trained body. His worn out black leather jacket made his green eyes come out even more:''Are you done staring shorty?''His voice was unfriendly, low and rough. I quickly look at his eyes again and feel panic rushing through my vanes:''I-I didn't s-stare..'' His cocky smirk was like a slap to the face, he knew exactly that I had stared at him:''Why is your face flushed red and your gaze all over the place?'' I stepped back realizing how close I was to a stranger who was unfriendly and cocky:''C-Can I please get to my class...I-I already apologized to you.'' I felt his stare go cold again and he just groaned silently as he then walks past me bumping my shoulder making it hard to keep my balance:''Jerk...'' I started walking again as I suddenly hear him silently say:''Bi***.'' I was about to say something but remembered that I didn't want to draw attention to myself and I already did that enough as it is.

Classes were finally all done when I had gotten out of the building I texted my brother. I walked down the stairs and past the parking spots for bikes and got too close not paying attention. Sh**. A loud bang is heard and I slowly turn around to see a bike laying on the floor. A black V-Rod Harley Davidson to be exact. Well I'm fu**** when I hear a familiar voice at the stairs of the entrance I look up slowly. Yeah I'm fu****. His green eyes full of rage stare at me as he walks towards me:''What the actual fu**!?'' I gulp and step back from the bike as I was about to say something when I suddenly hear another familiar voice:''That's one way to meet each other.'' My brother scratches the back of his head as he sees the situation and the pissed stranger looking at him:''The heck you doing here Jake?'' My brother sighs and says:''I'm here to pick up my lil sis who seems to have made an acquaintances with your bike. Sorry about that I'll pay for the damage bro.'' The stranger looks at him in disbelief as he then looks at me:''That's your sister!?''

Authors Note!!!!

Heya; so this is my first story I'm writing and I just enjoy writing down my ideas. I'll update whenever I can. I'm a senior student and don't have much time so I'll try my best to keep up the work! Thank you for reading the first Chapter of ''You, who fixed me and broke me'' see you soon :)

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