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    "A-a-a-are you s-s-s-sure it cant wait?" I asked, trying to speak through a yawn, hoping to get a couple more hours of sleep. Uncle Charlie was supposed to be home on Sunday, but he called, saying that Bella wanted to spend more time with him, so he'll be back next Sunday, leaving us with only two weeks before I go to school. On top of that Anna made sure to keep us up for a long time and then let us sleep until eleven o'clock, way past my bedtime, if you ask me. She says it's so we'll be awake enough to enjoy London. Before, when she told me they are eight hours ahead of us in time, I thought she was joking. Cause as far as I knew, time travel wasn't real. Uncle Theo says I wouldn't learn about time zones until Middle School, so he's not gonna tease me when I'm older, whatever that means.
    "No, honey, we have to go soon so that we can meet up with your Professor," Anna answers, trying to wake up Sam.
    "Then we'll go shopping?" I ask, pulling on my Flash t-shirt. I glance at the bag I packed. Anna said we can spend a whole week at the cottage after checking on Kreacher at Grimmauld Place. The best part ever is that Mrs. Uley said Sam can stay with us too! I feel bad that he's all alone. Maybe I can ask about getting another elf so he won't be lonely if he doesn't want to come with me to Hogwarts. And after Anna explained to me that while Americans usually employ House Elves, over here, in other parts of the world, they are treated like slaves, and worse, they like it. I don't want a slave, so if I can make his old life better with a friend, then I will.
    "Yes, Ori, we will go shopping. Make sure you put your letter in your bag, sweetie."
    "Okay," I mumble, grabbing my bright red zip-up jacket that matches the cool sneakers I got for Christmas.
    "Ori?" Sam calls out sleepily while he misses the head hole on his Batman shirt.
    Letting out a laugh, I walk over and help him out. "Gotta wake up, Sammy. We're going shopping." I pat the top of his messy hair then pick up both our bags.
    "Can I borrow a jacket?" He mutters, going for his shoes.
    "I don't care, just not—"
    "Your Flash one, yeah, I know. Thanks."
    "You betcha," I say happily walking out to meet Anna and Theo.
    "Sam ready to go?" Theo asks, ruffling my hair as I hand over Sam's bag.
    "Finishing up," I growl, trying to dodge him.
    "I'm ready," Sam comes out of our room with no pants on, making me and Theo laugh.
    "Hey bud," Anna says, sipping her coffee. "I know Brits are carefree and all, but I don't think they'll appreciate you showing up in briefs." Sam turns bright red as he looks down and then turns back to our room to put on pants. "This will be a long day," I hear Anna mutter.

    "Alright, you guys. No matter how uncomfortable this may be, I need you to hold tight on our arms and not let go until we tell you," Anna instructs nervously.
    "Gotcha," I tell her with a nod while Sam just nods.
    "Theo, one. Two. Three."
    All of a sudden, I feel like my entire body is being squeezed through a straw while being swirled up like a milkshake that's pulling me in different directions. I try to follow Anna's rule no matter how dizzy I get, but right after it starts, it stops. Everything—my sight, hearing, and smell—comes back to me at once, making me so nauseous I can't fight the sensation even if I wanted to. Kneeling over, all my food from yesterday comes out like a rocket all over the ground in front of us.
    "Oh, honey, I'm so sorry," I hear Anna say next to me, then feel her hand on my back rubbing circles on it while Sam throws up next to me.
    "That's it, bud, get it all out. You'll be right as rain in a second," Theo tells him.
    It takes us both a moment, but after what looks like a simple wand wave from Anna, we're all cleaned up. Looking around, I hear the busy streets, but all around us is darker, so I can't make much out.
    "This is a place where Cap and I had to come for a mission a couple of years before you came along, Ori," Theo says, answering my silent questions. "The Leaky Cauldron is right around the corner; we can see if they have some water to help your stomachs."
    Anna takes my hand in hers while Theo takes Sam's, and we walk out through a small door that I didn't notice when I was looking. Squinting at the sudden burst of sunlight, I try to take in all the cars and people walking past as we walk down the street and stop in front of another door that looks like it could use replacing in a few years.
    "Whoa," I whisper as we walk through the doorway into a dimly lit bar.
    It's not like the one on the Res or in Neah Bay we visited; not that I would say anything to Anna. She's told Charlie not to bring me to bars again ever since she found out where we were for the MLB Playoffs. There are chairs, bottles, and a broomstick moving by themselves floating around the room. But my eyes are on the very big man at the bar who looks like he's covered in hair.
    "He has to be over ten feet," Sam whispers to me.
    "I bet he's twelve feet tall," I whisper back as we keep staring at him, Anna keeping hold of my hand, pulling me into a booth.
    "Not one word of this to your father," she says, smiling at me.
    "Yeah, we will never hear the end of it," I laugh.
    "I'll go see what they have," Theo says to Anna after Sam is settled across from me.
    "I bet you five bucks he's fifteen feet tall," Sam smiles, holding out his hand while nodding to the hairy man Theo is now standing beside.
    "Na-uh. No one is that tall; I'll stick with twelve," I counter, giving it a firm shake.
    "What are you two betting on now?" Anna asks with a stern voice.
    "Nothing," we both answer.
    "Alright, they didn't have water, but the bartender said these were better for first-time apparators," Theo calls out, placing glasses in front of us.
    "Theo," I hear Anna warn, placing a hand on the top of my glass.
    "Not to worry, Cap. Told him they were for kids." He shoots back with a grin. "The big guy assured me that the doctor at Hogwarts uses the same for upset stomachs."
    "You talk to him?" "Did he say how tall he was?" Sam and I ask at the same time.
    "More like he talked to me the whole time, and sorry, kid, height didn't come up." He smiles sitting down.
    Sam and I spend the next hour or so talking about how much fun we will have at Hogwarts and what we will buy in Diagon Alley, while Theo and Anna talk about boring adult stuff.
    "It sucks that you can't bring your brooms," Sam huffs again. He's complained about it so many times I have just resigned that no matter how many times I tell him I'm fine with it, he will still be mad. "I mean, how are we gonna make it on the same Quidditch team if you don't get to practice every chance we get?"
    "It makes sense though. There are first years who didn't even know they were a witch or wizard. This way, everyone gets a chance to be good at it," I shrug.
    "HAGRID, HAVE YOU NO SHAME?" We all turn toward the shout.
    Turns out Professor McGonagall one can be very scary when shes mad and two, she and the hairy man know each other, and right now she doesn't seem too happy that he's in a bar this early in the morning. But when that man stands up as they argue quietly, it's understandable why she's so mad when he stumbles into the long table in the center of the bar.
    "See, at least fifteen feet," Sam points out happily. Letting out a sigh, I pull out my Velcro Mariners wallet and hand him my last five bucks.
    "Please tell me you two didn't bet on—"
    "Aw, it's just in good fun," Theo brushes Anna's attempt at scolding off.
    "That's not the point, Theodore," Anna argues, making Sam and me cower. She only uses full names when she's mad or upset, and I think we just made her both of those things.
    "Good Afternoon," Professor McGonagall speaks up from the end of our table. "I'm assuming you are all ready to start our day?"
    "Yup," I answer, standing to my feet, happy that Anna will be too distracted with shopping to punish us.
    "You have your lists?" She asks, looking at our empty hands.
    Glancing to Anna, I point to my bag that's hanging off her shoulder. "Yes, ma'am." I nod.
    Professor McGonagall gives us a curt nod before turning on her heel. "This way."
    She doesn't wait for a response before walking to the grubby-looking door in the back of the bar. Sam and I give each other a look, then race after her, trying to be the first through the door.
    "There are many ways to get to Diagon Alley, as you could tell," The Professor starts talking while I look around at the small red brick wall, wondering what the heck we're doing here. "This is the main way first-time visitors use for entry, although I find it's better than Flooing."
    "Flooing?" I ask her, confused with what sounds like something that has to do with boogers.
    "It is the matter of traveling one place to another by fireplace, Ms. Black." I watch as she pulls out her wand and taps random bricks.
    "Like I cou— Whoa." My words fail me as the brick wall folds in on itself.
    Stepping into Diagon Alley is like one of those fairytales Rach likes to read! The buildings are all crooked and funny-looking, and the signs above the shops have pictures that move and sparkle. The air doesn't smell like car exhaust like out front; instead, it smells like a mix of parchment, potions and weirdly ice cream.
    My eyes are drawn to a super fancy white shiny marble crooked building sticking up above all the others. I don't listen to what she's saying, but I follow Professor McGonagall while looking at the shops with names I can barely pronounce. People in colorful robes walk around, and some of them even have owls or strange creatures with them.
    The closer we get to the tall shiny building, the more nervous I get. I feel so small compared to the tall buildings, but I want to be strong because everything is so exciting and magical, unlike Forks and the Reservation.
    Fingers snapping in front of my face tear my eyes away from the two very small weird-looking elves standing in gold and white uniforms on both sides of very tall bronze doors.
    "Ms. Black," Professor McGonagall says, snapping her fingers one more time.
    "Yes, Professor."
    "I understand this is all new to you, and you have every right to feel excited; however, I need you to pay attention." She tells me sternly.
    "I'm sorry."
    "It is alright." She nods tightly back. "Do you have the Key Professor Dumbledore gave to you when we met?" My eyes move back to Anna, who pulls it out of her jacket pocket and hands it over to Professor McGonagall. "Follow me; it would do well not to stare at the Goblins; they don't like it." She says turning around and heads up the white steps.
    "This place is so cool," Sam mutters from next to me as we pass the two scary-looking goblin guards and into a small entrance area. "Hey, I wonder what that means."
    I look to where he's looking and am immediately scared. In big bold letters next to the silver double doors is a cryptic message that makes a shiver run down my back.

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