Chapter Nine

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     "GET BACK, John B

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     "GET BACK, John B. Get back!" I gasp as he starts swinging the hook around, shoving my body against the boat as John B holds his hands up beside me. "Get away from the throttle!"

"Okay! Okay!" he yells, trying to calm him down.

"Stay back! We're not going anywhere till you listen!" He screams again, getting in front of us. My heart is beating erratically as I try to figure out what to do now.

"Okay! Okay!"


"You understand?"

"Just stop!" I shout, trying to get him to put the weapon down, or just to talk.

"It wasn't my fault! It was your father, okay? It was your father that tried to change..." At his words, John B lunges at him grabbing the rod as he attempts to take it from the man.

"You piece of shit!"

I watch, backing farther away from them as they continue to shove each other. When Ward suddenly has the hook inches from my boyfriend's eye, I leap onto his back.

"Back off, you asshole!" He grunts as my weight lands on him as I wrap my legs tightly around his waist. He ends up head butting John B, sending him over the edge and to the middle floor before ramming me into the cockpit. I groan, my grip loosening as he rams again before falling to the ground.

I go to get up to run, but yell out in pain as he brings the hook up to hit me across the face. Dazed and moaning in pain, I watch as he heads for John B.

Bringing my hand up, I graze the open cut on my temple with a whimper, noticing the blood. Stumbling to my knees, I grip the seat to help myself up. My eyesight falters as I take a deep breath to right myself, hearing the faint noises of shouting.

Taking the ladder as fast as I can, I head to the side, where I spot John B jumping for the jet ski. "John B!" I yell out. He glances at me and my body trembles as Ward shows up around the corner with a fishing spear.

Cursing, I duck around the corner as he shoots one towards me.

"Rory, jump off!" John B yells as he drops into the water, Ward attempting to reload the weapon.

Letting out a shaky breath, I climb over the railing as he makes a circle around the boat.

"I got you!" he says. I close my eyes and jump, my body hitting the harsh cold water. My body sinks before I'm able to gain movement, using my legs to kick to the surface quickly before meeting the side of the jet ski.

Holding out my hand, John B grabs it, pulling me up behind him before we shoot off towards the mainland. Glancing behind us, I notice the boat attempting to follow. But I knew he wasn't going to be able to catch up.

A few minutes later, we settled into the seat, continuing the same speed. Wrapping my arms tight around his torso, I ignore the pain in my head as I attempt to catch my breath.

Hate You  𖤓 John B. Routledge 𖤓Where stories live. Discover now