whos that?

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*Liam was always scared. He's scared of socialising, needles,most t.v sows,blood,bullies,even his father. Which isn't that much of a surprise. His dad only criticises his son. He was mean, big, strong. Liams mom died after he was born. He's always had to care for himself. His dad was honestly an old drunk who yells at how pathetic his son is. Liam had panophobia. Of course his dad is required to take him to therapy twice a week. His therapist always suggest friends to help comfort him but he was too scared to talk to people he doesn't know. He has mental breakdowns and panic attacks all the time. It's become a regular by now. But the reason I'm telling you this is because Liam is moving to Cheshire. New school, new therapist,new people, and New insults from people. His whole life people have called him a scardy cat, fag, girl. Nothing unexpected to be honest.*

"Liam get your lazy ass out of bed and get ready for schooling." My father yelled from the kitchen. Most likely to grab a beer.I opened my eyes trying to adjust to the light but failed and shut my eyes open almost instantly. After a few more attempts I finally managed to open my mocha brown eyes.I let out a small yawn before dragging my body up so I was more awake. I decided I was ready to leave my warm bed to the shower. So I dragged my feet slowly to the bathroom. I took a shower, brushed my teeth, and washed my hands.I went back to my room and brushed my hair a tad before putting on a black long sleeve shirt, black skinny jeans, and some purple converse. Wanting to avoid my father's annoying\rude comments I grabbed my backpack and rushed out the door only to be stopped by my father's hand pulling me back causing me to jump slightly. "Where do you think your going" he said in his low husky voice. "To school" I replied quietly. "You still have 15 minutes before you need to leave" he chocked his head in disbelief of what I was saying. "I thought I could get there early so I could find my classes and get my agenda from the office" I said with fear covering my body. "Don't back sass me" he said opening the door and pushing me out. I decided to run to school. I don't exactly know why but most likely to get away from my father. Sure he hit me every once and a while but never abuse, never. By the time I got to school the halls were filled with people. Which scared me. Alot.I looked around to find the office and eventually spotted it. I rushed over and saw an old lady with a mean expression on her face. "Can I help you" she honestly sounded alot nicer than she looked. "Uhm I'm. New and I needed my uhm schedule" she smiled at me and pointed towards the principals office "go on in there and Mr. Foyn will help you" I noded and went back into the room. "Ohh hi you must be Liam" he said enthusiastically. I noded and told him what I told the last at the front he handed me a paper and then got on the microphone "harry styles could you please come to the principals office" moments later a curly haired boy with green emerald eyes came in. "Yeah" he said. "Most of your classes will be with our new friend Liam do I was wondering if you would show him around the school. Harry noded and then grabbed my arm causing me to jump. He waved at Mr. Foyn and lead me out into the halls that still was filled with people. " okay so your first class is history"harry said looking down at my paper. I noded and he continued be saying " we have it together""OK "I said quietly moments later a boy with brown, feathery hair crashed into me. " ohh I'm sorry I want looking "the man said angrily I noded and stood up. Noticing all eyes were on me and the other boy I shuffled closer to harry. The boy starred at Me for a while before another boy grabbed his shoulder and pulled him along to another direction. (Hahahahahahahahhaahhaha its like one direction but another direction How ironic) " that was Louis. His friend was niall they are some people you most likely will want to avoid, along with those guys... Zayn and josh" harry said as they passed by us."we should get to class "harry said moments later. I walked next to him as he lead me to the class room. Alot if people where already there. Still following, harry lead me to the back of the class and I say next to him.


I didn't like that kid I ran into. He seemed like a goody two shoes. Niall didn't seem to even notice him. Knowing him he would have tried to make fun of him if he had noticed that kid. I knew I wouldn't like him so I honestly planned on asking zayn to take care of him. We are pretty close I guess. I mean we do things for each other. But I have never been one to bully. I'll fight, and beat someone up but never bully. I knew zayn would be more than happy so I just ask him to bully kids for me. As niall and I walked into the class I instantly saw the kid. But I just ignored him. We sat in the back like always and talked ignoring anything the teacher said.
" what do you think about that new kid "i said to niall. Knowing I was right, he hadn't seen him niall looked over my shoulder to see him. " he's hot...But a complete dork. I bet if you go in his room you'll see a bunch of marvel posters" Niall said. I was surprised he thought he was hot. But laughed at his comment afterwards "hes so pale and... Small." I said. Niall noded and began playing on his phone.
"Class I hope you all had a wonderful weekend we happen to have a new student with us" she looked down at a paper and called out "Liam, Liam payne where is he" she said looking up from the paper. Liam raised his arm slightly. I could tell he was very shy.
"Zayn" I yelled out after class. He turned from josh and motioned me to continue. "Hey the new kid you seen him yet" I asked ."yeah why" zayn asked. "This kid...he's not to my liking you could say...and I was wondering if you uh could... You know"after a few seconds of staring at me blankly not in confusion but just staring he said " yeah OK why don't you like him" zayn asked. " he's just so annoying seeming. Like a goody two shoes, to shy to do anything, if you let him be your friend he'd probably get all clingy" I tried to explain but failed. Although I could tell zayn knew what I was talking about because he just nodded and swatted me off.doing as told I went back to niall.

"Okay so your next class is on gym. I don't have that one with you but for math which is your class after that I have with you okay" harry said to me. I nodded my head and harry lead me to the gym.luckily I was the first one there and was able to change without anyone being near me. I'm scared to Chang in front of other people. When I was done I walked into the gym and the only person was there was the gym teacher. "Hi I'm Liam I'm new" I said awkwardly. " hi Liam your a few minutes early so you can just go hang out by the sidelines by the way I'm Mr.Dalton. " he said with a warming smile.I liked him he was young and very nice.most of the teachers were nice but not young. Younger teachers would be better at connecting with their students.so when I relized I had been thinking just standing in front of him I rushed of to the sidelines with tinted red cheeks.a few minutes later students began to pile in. I noticed one face though. A face that made my stomachs churn. It was those kids harry warned me about. Zayn and josh. They honestly looked way more scary than before. I tried my best to stay away from them but zayn continuously came near me. It's like he was trying to get near me. I was honestly scared. Worried I would have a panic attack I asked to be excused and of course the teacher trusted me. Half way down the hall I noticed a shadow following me. I tried to ignore it buy my curiosity was killing me. So I turned around. My face instantly turned to fear. Zayn "hi. Mr. Dalton asked me to make sure you found your way to the restrooms" he said smirking. "I'm uhm f-fine th-thanks" I stuttered. "You alright you seem nervous" I could tell he wasn't sincere. "P-please just leave me a-alone" I was very scared now. "See what would the fun be in that" he instantly grabbed my shoulder. Digging his nails with too much pressure . causing me to yelp. With that he let go. By now I was shaking. "When it's lunch meet Me outside near the field. Otherwise... I'm going to hurt you even more than planning." He walked off and soon after I did the same.
Lunch. It's lunchtime. My breathing was uneven, my body was shaking, my breath hitched every thought of zayn. I hadn't told harry. I was scared what he would say. So with that I slowly made my way to the field "he actually came." I heard and saw josh say. Zayn just nodded and motioned me towards him. I hesitantly walked over to him. "A buddy of mine asked me to do him a favor.your his favor.and that means your mine until he calls it off." I was confused what he meant showing it in my facial expression he laughed. "Let me show you" he walked up to me and instantly his fist met my face.I yelped out in pain. He was strong. Something tells me be could have hit me alot harder.I instantly fell to the ground once he hit me. He squat down and whispered to me "get use to the feel" his breath on my ear made me jump. Next thing I know his boot pounded into my stomachs before I saw him and josh walk off

im scared [niam] with a lil LarryWhere stories live. Discover now