Cory Or Not Cory

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Cory decided to listen to her mom.

The three day warranty had expired and she was going back to school.

Back to her normal routine.

She almost missed three weeks of school.

She was lucky she didn't get kicked out of school.

She also decided she didn't wanted to be tutor anymore.

She was going to take it easy.

There were only a couple of months until the semester finished.

She didn't wake up early like she used to.

Instead she woke up 6:00 and she had to be at school at 8:00 am.

She went to the bathroom and did her morning routine.

9 minutes later she came out and picked her outfit out.

A simple lose black tank top, black skinny jeans, and a leather black jacket, with black high top sneakers.

Afterwards she let her hair down and just ran her fingers through her hair.

6:30 read Cory's watch.

She grabbed her bag and headed to the kitchen.

To grab a snack, mom I'm leaving said Cory then rushed out of her mom's room heading to the train station.

Around 7:30 Cory got off the train and started walking to her school.

The rest of Cory's classes went by slowly.

Before math Cory decided to go to the vending machines and get a soda.

She took her sweet time walking to the other side of the school instead of taking the elevator or a short cut.

She pushed the door opened causing a scene.

Cayden was surprised to see Cory so nonchalant but he noticed something about her differently.

He didn't say anything and just continued on with his lesson.

Cory sat at the back of her classroom.

Put everything away order Cayden.

Everyone did as the were told to.

Cayden started passing around a quiz.

When Cory received her's, her eyes popped out.

It was the same materials Cayden and her were practicing the last time.

Cayden said in monotone you may begin.

Cayden started walking around the classroom.

Cayden stopped by Cory's desk and said in a low soothing voice try your best, then he continue walking around.

Cory did as Cayden instructed her to do.

Surprisingly she remembered some of the material.

Time is up said Cayden 27 minutes later.

Passed them up he ordered.

After Cayden collected the quizzes he place them on his desk.

You are dismissed said Cayden, again monotone.

Cory with the rest of the students rushed out of the classroom.

Cayden was surprised by Cory's action, but he didn't stopped her nor went after her.

He nor vice versa asked or received an explanation.

For the past week Cory kept doing the same.

Rushing out of her math class or any other class most of the times.

It was the second week Cory kept doing the same thing rushing out of her classroom at the end of the class.

However, this time Cayden stopped her.

I gave you two weeks said Cayden sitting down with his feet resting on his desk.

You saw what you got on your quiz a 69 said Cayden.

Cory remained quiet.

You were absent for almost three weeks then you come back everyday and disrupt my class said Cayden with an annoyance in his voice.

I gave you time for yourself, but you don't even show up for tutoring nor say anything nor even try to do good in your classes said Cayden standing up.

Cory was standing with a emotionless face.

I want to know if you're okay? Asked Cayden concern

Do you have problems or need help with anything added Cayden.

Likewise, Cory remained quiet.

Cory decided to walk away from Cayden.

I'm just letting you know said Cayden.

Look I'm not going to beg you for anything said Cayden in a sarcastic tone.

I'm the one giving chances when other teaches don't give a fuck said Cayden.

Cory stopped in her tracks and turned to look at Cayden.

Are you going to come to tutoring? Asked Cayden

Because I'm the one doing you a favor he added.

Whatever happened to you Cory or what you going through you better let it go and you better notice the world is still moving and it no one knows when it's going to stop said Cayden.

Have an amazing Thanksgiving break said Cory leaving.

Cayden just looked at Cory leave.

Should he be surprised or not? He asked himself by Cory's actions

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