Chapter 1

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I know I'm a bookworm, all I do is get lost in new and exciting worlds because to me reality isn't that great. School life is hard because no one talks to me, I thought for sure if I started again in a new school it would be different, but I was wrong again. My parents passed away in a car crash when I was only 6 years old, after that I have bounced from family member to family member, city to city. There is no place in this world I belong, the only place that has accepted me is "fantasy land" as my uncle calls it. When I read I am apart of the world I am reading from, its like what happened to me is so far away, but thats when reality will always step in. "Are you really going to read all day? The sun is shinning so bright today." said my cousin Shelly concerned. When I looked up from my book I see her standing in the doorway.

Shelly may be my cousin, but she acts like my big sister she is 4 years older than I am. I am 17 years old and no one wanted me anymore, Shelly wanted me to move in with her and since I'm almost 18 and no one was going to object, I did. I know she worries for me, she is the only family I truly have.

"I guess I could go to the store" I suggest, I truly am grateful for Shelly but I just want to read and she keeps trying to talk to me. I guess it can't be helped, since Shelly is literally the most stubborn person to ever walk the earth and I don't feel like fighting with the only person in this world that cares about me.

"Great, how about a driving lesson? And the store we go to, how about the book store that just opened in the little village?" She said know I now can not refuse. I haven't wanted to learn how to drive because that is how I lost my parents, but to stop being such a burden on Shelly, I guess it won't hurt. The little village is only 15 minutes away so I know I can get us there safely.

Shelly and I start to walk down the stairs of our apartment building, I am getting anxiety. I don't know why but it feels like something bad will happen if we leave, but I know my mind must be playing tricks on me so I can go back to reading and leave this reality once again.

"Hey, have you heard about The Gem Series?" Shelly asked looking excited at me. "Yes, but its not really the normal book I go for. The Gem Series is so romanace-y, there is not a plot in those kinds of books. I prefer to read about books with dragons and adventure." I say back as we enter the parking lot.

As we walk to her car "Well, how do you know if you have never read it? It might be the best story but you won't read it because of the romance?" Shelly asked almost daring me. We reach her car and I sit in the driver's seat. I adjust the seat and mirrors because I am much shorter than Shelly.

"Shelly, I have never even seen you read a book not for school. Why are you so interested?" I say sighing in disbelief. "I am interested because they are making a movie with my favorite actor and actress as the leads!" She said happily, I could almost see little hearts in her eyes.

I shifted the gear shift to drive and and away we went to the bookstore. "STOP!" Shelly yelled "What? I wasn't going to hit him, I saw him." I say waving at the predustion walking in the crosswalk. "Sorry, I totally overreacted." She said more calm.

We continue our drive with listening to the radio, she probably feels bad about yelling stop earlier and scarring me. She knows I have a hard time driving and knows that yelling and adding stress doesn't help. I can see it on her face as she mouths the words to her favorite song that she normally screams on the top of her lungs. "Good job, looks like you got us here safely!" She said with a huge smile on her face and a thumbs up. I got lost in thought again, but at least we are here. I'm having Shelly drive back, that was a pain. She loves that song and she didn't think she could enjoy it because I was driving and she didn't want to scare me. I feel bad.

"Let's go in" Shelly says getting out of the car. "Race you!" She said already sprinting for the book store door. Once day I want to be just like her. Care free and kind, it sounds like a nice way to live. I walked to the door. "I totally won, you didn't even try." Shelly says with a smile.

As we enter the bookstore I smile. "Listen, how about a bet?" Shelly says with a evil smirk on her face. "what kind of bet?" I say kind of scared about what she has come up with.

She came in close "If you finally talk to the boy behind the counter then I will read any book you want me too." I looked at her in disbelief and then looked around to make sure no one heard her. "It wouldn't hurt to make a friend with the same hobby as you" She said smiling. "And if I don't?" I say stone faced. "Then you have to read the Gem Series with me, and we can start a romance book club!" She said smiling. I have always wanted to read a book with Shelly, but if its a stupid romance book with no plot then I don't know if I can do it. "Can it be called a club if it's just us? I ask. "Well, ummm maybe?" She said tilting her head confused.

All I have ever wanted was to hang out with Shelly and read, but I also don't want to read a romance book. But if I talk to the guy behind the counter then I get to pick the book she reads and she and I can talk about it and enjoy it together. OKAY! Game face, I have to talk to the boy behind the counter and make him my friend no matter what!

I approach the counter "excuse me," I say as the boy turns around, "do you have any good book recommendations?" I ask. My face turns to shock as the most popular boy at my school looks back at me. "Yeah, have you read the court of dragon series?" He responds. I look in his eyes and know that a bookworm like me with no friends can and will never be able to be friends with the most popular and handsome guy in school, Chase. I admit my defeat and turn around and start to walk to the car. I mouth to Shelly "You win."

As I wait outside on the sidewalk for Shelly to buy the Gem Series books, I get that bad feeling again. I need to stop having this anxiety, I put my hand on my heart and took a deep breath. "Wow, that was kinda sad, I thought you totally had me." Shelly said as she walked closer to me. "Man this heat is intense, how about some ice cream I saw a shop within walking distance." She said trying to cheer me up. "Sounds nice" I say.

We past the car and start to head down the street. "So I really have to read it?" I ask as we start to cross the street "Yes!" Shelly says excitedly. However, when I looked at Shelly a large truck was about to hit her. Hit the only person that cares about me, the only person that has kept me off the streets is about to die in front of me.

Before I could get me thoughts together I acted. I pushed Shelly out of the way and was hit by the truck that did not stop.

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 21 ⏰

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I was reincarnated as the villainess in a book I didn't readWhere stories live. Discover now