something done and feared

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????:Zara you assigned to be the new protector of captain wally and his crew.

Zara:wait you mean the dangerously wanted abd has endangered multiple protectors '0'


Zara: No ma'am you didn't im sorry.

????: Just to make sure since there wanted i will make you be apart of there crew just to make sure your doing your job.

Zara: yes ma'am

????: You will update me by letters every once a week

Zara:I will not fail you or them i promise

????: Good and make sure they don't know your job okay now there will be a sermon for your leaving

Zara: Wait do i have to make a speech?

????: No i know what happened last time and fell free to write letters to others as well

Zara: yes boss lady

????:don't call me that

Zara: man your boring


Londen: Sooo your leaving Zara

Zara: Yeah i guess i am i going to miss yall though

Londen: Thats sweet be safe

Zara: No Promises

after that i was sent to water I didn't really freak I was a half shark so I did what had to be done I swam to a near by land.

It was so pretty the town that i swam to had colors and flowers bunches of flowers that was so pretty. I was walking around the area down a path avoiding puddles and water unless i was thirsty. I ran into someone who was running and i fell to the ground.

Zara: bloody hell that hurt

????:watch were your going freak

Zara: Freak?

????: People like you don't belong here

Zara: What do you mean you know what who cares i don't need to do this

????:who said you could leave with out a punishment huh

Zara: what punishment i didn't do anything i swear

????:sure you did boys will you

Three boys headed my way. Two of them grabbed each arm as the third on pulled my head up to face there "leader" as i tired to fight them off there grips seemed to thighten.

????:now listen here and listen good freak first ima beat you till you cry or worse and then im going to something that will trumatize you ever wrose then the beating.


Thats all he said as everything went all black i don't remember anything from the beating to what he did. He was right although i was a protector there was no one to protect me of what he did. I felt his thouch and and the pain that came with it. It was everywhere i hated this felling i knew what he did was wrong he thouched me.

I couldn't help but to think it was my fault. I did something wrong to have this done to me. All my fault.

I remember waking up undressed on a bed and grabbing my clothes putting them on and running out of there. Why did this happen to me? Why did i let it happen? Was it my fault? That was all that ran through my mind over and over again.

I was off to a horrible start.

Hiiia author here I know i had some thouchy topics here and know some of you had this happen and im so sorry if it did happen. You didn't deserved it.

As all ways stay safe and protected


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⏰ Last updated: Jan 21 ⏰

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