Chapter 1

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"Diana! What's your position?!" I ignore the yelling from my earpiece as I hide behind a car, looking at the enemies.

I slowly take my gun out, not making a sound, and aim it at a head who I presume is their boss turned around. One shot, Diana, and it'll be over with. One shot. I click the trigger of my gun, and it makes a turning noise. I get low, to not be seen, and look at my gun. Damn, it's fucking jammed!

"DIANA! WHAT'S YOUR POSITION?!" One of the enemies looks at me as I know they heard him yelling from my earpiece.

"IT'S THE POLICE!" I hide behind my back behind my car as I hear gunshots being fired.

"TAKE THIS!" I hear someone scream, and a grenade falls in front of me. SHIT!

I quickly grab the grenade, stand up quickly, and throw it back at the enemies. I watch the grenade hit a car and roll back towards me as I feel a sharp pain in my shoulder. Shit! I've been hit!

I feel someone pull my arm, and I start running with them.

"Are you crazy?! You put yourself right in their position!"

"I had the shot! Why did you fucking blow my cover?!" 

Sam laughs at my response, "Listen, Diana. We're here to track them, not to kill their boss. We don't kill people, remember? We're the good guys," He pulls me behind a car to take cover.

"HELP ME!" I hear screaming in my earpiece as I look at our van, covered in flames.

"PHIL!" I scream, and I run towards the burning van. I get knocked to the ground, and I see Sam on top of me.

"You can't go in there, Diana! It's too late!" The van explodes, and I push Sam off of me as I run into the still-burning van, still hearing Phil screaming for help.

I pull Phil's heavy body and put him on my back. I use all my leg strength to run to cover while carrying Phil. I hear him screaming still as I lay him down. I look at his burnt lifeless body.

"He's gone, Diana. There's nothing you could have done to save him," I turn and look at Sam angrily.

"I COULD HAVE SAVED HIM IF YOU DIDN'T TACKLE ME!" I hear car doors slam, and cars speeding off as I watch our enemies drive away.

"Great! Now, The Ravens got away. Thanks a lot, Sam, for a failed mission!" I take off my gloves and throw it on Phil's body. I hear him chuckle.

"Diana, you're the craziest person I've ever met if you think you could have stopped The Ravens by yourself. Hell, you even went into a burning van to save a dead person! Our mission was to scout and watch their moves, not try and take out their leader. I'd say we have enough information to call this mission a success," I roll my eyes.

"We've been watching The Raven's for a whole month. I could have ended our war by taking out their leader. Plus THAT dead person has a name. HIS name is PHIL. He had a family and his own life he could have lived. If a person dies, even when we are trying to "Scout" out the enemies, then we failed our mission!" I walk away, furious.

Sam jogs to catch up to me, "Let's just go to our hotel and call it a night,"

I roll my eyes and throw my gun at him, "Check my gun out, it jammed as I was trying to take a shot," Sam rolls his eyes, and we walk two miles to the hotel.

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