I understand you.

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You and the team were going out to dinner tonight since everyone was starving and it was too late to head home from the case now. You and JJ headed back to your room to get dressed and clean up.

As you sat on the bed and sighed JJ looks over at you. "You okay my love?" She asked look at you as you start to rub your hands. "Yes, no..my hands have felt like they're dirty all day and they're not because I washed them and it won't go away" you look down tears starting to fill your eyes.

"I noticed you putting a lot of hand sanitizer on today, but I promise you they're clean my love" she says pulling you into her chest. "We could always tell the team never mind and stay in bed if you aren't feel well." She says running a hand through your hair. "No no we have to go" you say getting up. "I'm going to the restroom" you say standing up and walking into the small hotel bathroom.

You shut the door behind you and look into the mirror. You've delt with this your whole life. The constant worried the food your eating isn't cooked all the way, everytime your stomach hurts you always assume your sick, the moment you feel nauseous you cancel everything. Your hands constantly feel dirty.

You don't think it's OCD because you don't have any of the symptoms You felt tears well up in your eyes again as you stare down at your hands. They're red from the constant washing and putting on hand sanitizer through out the day. You quickly wipe your tears and fix your makeup before walking out of the bathroom.

"You ready?" She ask looking at you. She's known about your constant anxiety with the whole thing. You flash her a small smile and nod your head. She opens the door and lets you walk out first before shutting the door behind the both of you.

"Is it ok if I hold your hand?" She ask as your walking towards the elevator. "Yeah" you say holding out your hand. She holds onto your hand as the elevator doors open.

She leads you into the elevator and presses the ground floor button. She hums quietly as you wait for the elevator to hit the ground floor. She leads you guys out of the elevator and towards the team.

"Ok everyone's here, let's go" Hotch says. You follow behind JJ and the rest of team out to the suvs. JJ and you climb in the back while Rossi and Reid climb into the front. Derek Emily, and hotch getting into the other one.

"You ok y/n you've been quiet all day" Reid says look behind his seat. "Yeah just tired" you say and reach over for JJ's hand. He leaves it at that and Rossi starts the car following behind Hotch.

You fidget with JJ's hands on the way to the restaurant. She kisses your fingers as Reid rambles about random things. Once you get to the restaurant you climb out of the car and walk around to JJ and reach onto her hand.

She kisses you and follows behind the team. You guys get sat down and JJ hands you a menu. "I don't know why you handed her a menu JJ, she orders the same thing everywhere we go" Derek laughs. You give a forced laugh and smile at him.

"I just like to give her options." She says looking at him. "No he's right J" you say closing the menu and pushing it away. "It's ok my love" she says rubbing your back.

You give her a nod and fidget with your hands. "Do you just want water, or do you want a drink?" She ask whispering in your ear. "Just water please" you say. Once the server comes back everyone orders their drink and when they get to JJ you freeze up.

"And what can I get for you?" They ask looking at you. "Uh-" but JJ cuts off your studdering. "She'll have a water" JJ says holding onto your hand. The server walks away and JJ looks at you. "You okay beautiful?" She ask leaning closer so no one can hear. "Mhm I'm ok" you smile at her. "Thank you" you say again.

"Anytime my love" she says kissing you and joining in the conversation to let you breathe. The server comes back with everyone's drinks and ask if everyone was ready to order. All of you agree so they go around the table again.

But when they get to you JJ feels you squeeze her hand and she orders for you. "She'll have chicken tenders and fries." She says smiling at them. They nod and head to the kitchen.

"Come on, let's go get some air." She says grabbing you hand and standing up. You follow with her and she lead's you outside. "C'mere" she says pulling into her. "I want you to know it's ok to order the same thing everywhere you go, it's your safe food and that's ok. Don't listen to Derek" she says kissing your forehead.

You just nod your head and relax into her embrace. "I love you so much" she says rubbing your back. "I love you too so much" you say back leaning up and kissing her.

"Hey lovebirds, the foods here" Emily says holding the door open. You both giggle and walk back inside Emily following behind.

You both sit back down and everyone's already eating. You pick up your chicken and pull it apart making sure it's cooked properly. "It's all the way cooked through my love I promise." She says looking at you. "Why do you always do that y/n? They wouldn't give you uncooked chicken" Derek saying laughing at you.

"I-I don't know, It just makes me feel better" you shrug taking a bite of your chicken. Everyone seems to take that as an answer and you try to ignore the rest of Derek's snarky comments about how worried you are.

Once everyone finished their food everyone was talking and drinking besides JJ. She knew you were having a rough day and wanted to be fully present if you needed her. "Alright everyone, we have to be at the jet earlier in the morning so let go to the hotel and get some sleep" Hotch says standing up.

Everyone follows behind him and climbs into separate SUV's. This time you sit in the middle next to JJ so you can rest your head on her shoulder.

You both buckle up and you lay against JJ. "You okay?" She ask looking down at you. "Mhm, just tired" you say breathing in her scent. "Alright beautiful" she says running her nails on your forearm.

You feel yourself falling asleep just as Rossi pulls into the hotel. "Come on my love." JJ says softly as she kisses your head. You sit up slowly and unbuckle. Climbing out of the car after her.

JJ says goodnight to the team while you just hold onto her hand letting her lead you guys back to the room. She swipes the card and opens the door letting you walk into the room.

"Sit on the bed, I'll get you some clothes to change into" she says as she walks over to your go back and pulling out some sweatpants and a hoodie you stole from her.

She hands you the clothes and turns to grab her own clothes. You slowly change and climb back into bed. You reach for the remote turning on one of the channels the hotel has. JJ climbs in bed next you and pulls you into her.

"Y/n I want you to know that I understand you don't listen to what Derek says, it's ok that you order the same thing, or that you make sure it's cooked all the way through. It makes you feel safer and happier, thats what matters" she says lifting your chin and kissing you.

You smile into the kiss and eventually pull away. "Thank you J, I love you so much and I know you'll always get me" you says relaxing into her.

"I love you too, so much. Now sleep my love" she says pulling the covers up and laying your head on her chest. You snuggle closer and let yourself fall asleep.

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