2: Dangerous encounters 18+

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(Kyle POV)

A squad of guards surrounded the the room but didn't dare go into 096's sight! They called around the metal box cover trying to give me some ideas of how they were gunna get me out!

Soldier 1: "we have to find a way how to get you out of here! Is SCP 096 Still tightly wrapped around you??" A soldier called to me from the metal box cover side trying to get an image of what's behind the box cover!

Carlos: "y-yes! She's...purring, like she's content" I said observing 096's sudden change in behaviour. She seemed very hostile as I saw her, but as soon as she stared at me when I was calm, she...seemed to shock everyone in the entire facility!?

Soldier: 2 "is 096 Asleep??" A 2nd soldier called out quietly as their boots clomped on the floor as they would switch positions once in awhile but made sure to avoid any sight of 096

Carlos: "y-yes, she's asleep wrapped around me, h-her heads on my n-n-neck, s-she's breathing down my neck~" I said with a shiver as she breathed down my neck in her sleeping form as she cuddled around me with her arms and legs wrapped around me tightly in a loving embrace~!

Soldier 1: "well you need to figure out a way to get out, the council need to talk to you, they called for an emergency meeting, and called for you specifically" he informed me from the other side of the opening.

Carlos: "who are the councils?" I asked confused.

Soldier 1: "Just find a way out of there! We have an escort & Execration team waiting for you! Hurry it up!" The soldier hissed quietly and seemed impatient.

W.I.P: (work in progress)

S.C.P: Secure, Contain, breed~ 18+Where stories live. Discover now