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Ranboo Pov:

Tubbo sits up fully and stands up. He hugs me and then we go over and sit on the bed. Want to watch ⏃ movie? "What was that?" What was what? "I don't know just the way you pronounced your a just then it sounded corrupted" Tubbo said in sort of a scared tone. I didn't hear anything different. Whatever, I'm sure it's fine.

Umm so what movie did you want to watch? ''I know it's not a movie but can we watch Heartstopper?' Tubbo asked. Umm sure but what Heartstoopper? YOU DON'T KNOW WHAT HEARTSTOPPER IS???? Nope never heard of it. Tubbo then tells me the entire plot of Heartstopper.

We sit and probably get through about 9 episodes before we fall asleep.

Timeskip one week later


Dear diary,

I have been having this weird feeling lately like i'm always being watched like this unnerving feeling i even feel this feeling in my dreams. Tubbo says that whenever i say "I" and "A" that they sound "Corrupted" But i don't hear anything different. Also in my dreams this really tall figure with a lime green and dark teal hue around him. He has a mask with a big disturbing smile on it but instead of eyes it has X D over where the eyes would be. It scares me. And in my dreams I'm half black and half white and I'm wearing a full suit. With a red tie. And my eyes project this green hue out of the right one and a red hue form the left one. I also have horns with what looks to be a wedding ring on my right horn. I also have a tail. And there's ⏃ allium in my pocket with ⏃ small tag on it that says Tommy's name.

"Ranboo Ranboo" uhh yes Tubbo ⟟ said kind of confused. "Come on, it's time to go to classes." Oh ok ⟟ said. We grab our books and walk out the door.

Timeskip to after classes sponsored by me and my friends playing gartic phone but all of our minds are dirty so it's all bbc, cum, and Skephalo related

After classes me and Tubbo decide to go to the local bee themed cafe. We both get some tea and we have ⏃ chat. So Tubbo, can we call Amisey and Guqqie. "Sure" we call them and have ⏃ chat about random stuff after about ⏃ half hour we end the call and pay the check for our drinks at the cafe and we leave.

What do you want to do? "Can we watch Heartstopper again" Tubbo asks. anything for my bee. We walked back to our dorm. Me and Tubbo sit down on the bed and turn on Netflix. We sit and watch Heartstopper until 1:00 am. Wow, Tubbo it's late, we should probably go to bed. "Ok" he says in ⏃ tired voice.

⟟ wake up in ⏃ strange place it's what looks to be ⏃ obsidian box. ⟟ hear ⏃ voice in my head. The voice said "⟟'⋔ ☊⍜⋔⟟⋏☌ ⎎⍜⍀ ⊬⍜⎍" ⟟ then have ⏃ green and red flash go around my eyes then ⟟ woke up.

Time Skip to morning Sponsored by the 5th Heartstopper book


⟟ wake up. What was that dream? ⟟ don't even know. ⟟ get out of bed and try to forget about the voice and what it said "⟟'⋔ ☊⍜⋔⟟⋏☌ ⎎⍜⍀ ⊬⍜⎍" what does that even mean? Whatever. ⟟ get up and make me and bee some pancakes with blueberries and strawberries. ⟟ also make some homemade lavender syrup. When Bee wakes up he will be excited . He loves when ⟟ make lavender syrup.

Tubbo pov: I wake up to the smell of pancakes there my favorite. Wait is that LAVENDER SYRUP! I run out to the Kitchen and see Ranboo with a bottle of homemade lavender syrup my favorite. "⟟ made you your favorite" Ranboo your "i" sounded corrupted again I don't know why this is but I don't think your ok. I'm fine. We both sit down and enjoy our pancakes. I check my phone and see we have an hour until classes.

Ranboo we have class in an hour let's go get ready. Ok Bee 🐝:). We head into our closet and pick out our matching dino hoddies. We grab our books and head to class.

Time skip sponsored by me writing this in ⏃ Kroger parking lot

After class we head down to the cafeteria and grab two sandwiches to eat. Then me and boo head up to our dorm. We eat our sandwiches and then grab our aprons for art. We're doing clay today. Me and boo decide to make matching ones. We have to make animals. I make a bee and boo makes a cat black with eyes like his one green and one red. Then we take them to the kiln for them to harden.

Then after art we head to history. We learn about the history of china. The Shang dynasty. But me and boo weren't really paying attention. We were writing notes to each other. We were talking about how we are going to move in to Ranboo's moms house.

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