ten . Aqward conversations

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Mina was ranting. "How can that slick bastred only get 3 weeks! That's misconduct"

"I know I know, I'm annoyed to" I'd sigh, sensio  did touch kamiari, who seemed so uncomfortable witch annoys me. "I just hope kami-kun is okay"

"Jirou is checking on him, but that does make my blood boil after the edvents  of midneta" Momo said in discust, "im so glad that asshole never made it into UA"

I'd nod, "kami-kun looked so uncomfortable, even then it was wrong-"

"So what was going on with youre squde before the incident" momo asked in her concerned mother voice.

"Their mad I was making sure kami-kun was okay and didn't visit todo-kun" I grone, "called me a bad friend"

"Not saying it's bad, but is their a reason you choose kamibea  over todoroki" Mina asked, "but they are so in the wrong"

"I know with his qurick and the malfunction can hurt him more then the opponent" I'd sigh, "I pay attention more then one would think to classmates"

"Thats a good  qouilty"  momo says soft as uraka  comes up.

"Me you are gonna go visit todoroki like good friends midoria" she snaps.

I'd blink, I don't fell like this is a good time.

"He's gonna ask me to give-- my answer  to dating him and he won't like the answer" I'd say, "I don't want him to hurt himself more"

She glared, "then lie, alittle white lie never hurt anyone"

I looked down sheepishly.

"It's a romantic relationship if he lies, to please todoroki  finds out later on its gonna do more damage Uraraka, are you loosing it" momo snared, "that's terrible advice"

"Todoroki really wants to see izuku so just" she huffed.

"Fine." I'd grumble, "ill go, don't fight its not worth it"

"Knew you'd come to your senses" she'd smile and grabbed my arm dragging me off, their.

"Youre cute but blind. You care about the wrong pepole" she complines, who voice a tone I couldn't recognize.

I just stayed  slient, I was sheepishly looking down at the floor, rubbing my foot across the floor as we wore their.

Todorokis voice broke me from it - "midoria-"

I only look up from my feet. "This inst the time or place for my answer. You're hurt, you need to recover frist"

"It's just  a simple yes or no- I was gonna ask you about in the locker rooms before bakugo did this to me" he grabed my hand loosly, soft rubbing his thumb on my hand.

I blushed, but only because that's kinda cute as I pulled my hand back. "I need to think more about my answer alright! This is why I wasn't gonna come because i.. just  don't have a answer yet"

A lie.

But todoroki when hurt can be abit unrashnal.. he didn't take it well when momo got with jirou either.

This was a lie.. but something down in me doesn't want to.. tell him no.. God I'm to damn nice...

"Oh.." todoroki memred in his cold term, "take as long as you need.."

I'd sigh, "the squde started a fight over this and I avoid this because I wasn't ready."

"This is just aqward, kuro" tusu said, "move on"

"So how you felling.." he memred.

"Fine. Would be better if asshat got expelled" he snared.

"It was training they couldn't expelled him, allmight should of broke it up long before" iida sighed.

I'd nod, the tension was high. "I'm gonna go now.. tension seems high"

"Running away like alway, from problems" Urakaka  said.

I turned and went to leave to be catch my Mina.

"Youre going to a slumberparty with my squde" she said with a wild smirk.

She grabbed  my arm gentelly  and dragged me.

It's about to get realll...

Hm hm hm.

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