Soul Reader x Android 21 (Good) SHORT 1: Jealous

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While 21 was explaining a lot of things with you about how Smart and amazing Bulma is, her spring cheese and what she'll do once everything was over. She also started talking about the children she was playing with earlier at the park of course you can see everything she sees since your inside of her body. But watching her not only play with the kids but playing games with them like tag or hide & seek, pat there heads when they did something good like answering a question that was right. Putting every block back together like it once was or huging them for either forgiveness when they did something bad and they knew it was wrong or comfort when they are crying or sad she would even smile at them witch makes you and the kids go "That Smile..."

You usually like it when you were the only one she smiles at because you love that smile of hers so much. Her smile was like a beautiful pretty light that you just couldn't look away and thought it was unfair that the children made her smile not to mention spending time with her. Getting a pat on the head or having her hugs, after heading back with 18 and 17 along with the other Z Fighters you were still feeling a bit jealous in the inside but didn't want to show or express it and you were trying not to feel jealous but then you heard 21 calling you.

Android 21 (Good): "Mr. Soul is there something wrong?"

Soul Name: "Huh? Oh no it's nothing i'm fine."

Android 21 (Good): "Are you sure? You've been quiet for a while now..."

Soul Name: "What do you mean i've always been quiet."

Android 21 (Good): "Yes but not this long. I didn't do something that made you angry did i..."

She said with a worry tone and sad expression on her face and you didn't like it at all you hated seeing 21 so sad

Soul Name: "N-No! You didn't do anything at all i swear! It's just when i saw you playing with those kids earlier, patting there heads, giving them hugs, getting to make you smile and all that stuff i got bit jealous..."

There was a 10 second pause. She was quiet for a moment, then the next it started from giggle to laughter.

Soul Name: "W-What's so funny!"

Android 21 (Good): "Your to adorable Mr. Soul your like a puppy Hahahaha."

Soul Name: "H-Hey! I'm not adorable stop laughing!"

Even though you were so embarrassed you were happy to make her laugh including seeing that smile of hers that you love

Android 21 (Good): "I wish we could talk more but the battle is not over yet so let's both do our best out there and when we have the time i like to talk to you more like this Ok."

Soul Name: "Y-Yeah sure..."

And so you both prepared your self for the battle ahead and no matter what happens you will fight her along side her till the end.

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