Chapter 1 "Moving in"

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Everyone enters the big mansion. Bhutan gasps in amazement of the giant mansion "It's bigger than I expected! This house looks like a giant lived here!!" Bhutan says in awe. "That's only because you're short" Pakistan laughs at Bhutan. Bhutan turn to Pakistan with an angry expression, "How dare you insult my height! I'm 5'2!" Bhutan pouts and stomps his foot. Pakistan only smirks at him, "well I'm 5'8, short dragon" Pakistan chuckles. Bhutan glares at Pakistan, "DON'T CALL ME SHORT YOU TERRORIST!!" Bhutan yells at Pakistan. Pakistan stops laughing and his smirk turns to a frown, "How dare you calle a terrotist! I'm not a terro-" before Pakistan could finish, Bhutan blows white fire at Pakistan burning Pakistan's clothes. Pakistan glares at Bhutan furiously.. "MY CLOTHES!!! YOU BURNED MY CLOTHES!! DO YOU KNOW HOW EXPENSIVE THESE WERE!? OH YOU'LL PAY FOR THIS!!" Pakistan yells angerly at Bhutan, Bhutan only laughs at this as he doesn't seem to be taking this seriously.

(A/n: Bhutan is half dragon, so he does have white dragon horns, white dragon tail, and white fire breath, but he also has countryhuman features too)

Pakistan runs at Bhutan and grabs Bhutan's white horns and slam Bhutan's head at the wall getting his horns stuck. "AHHH MY HORNS ARE STUCK!! WHAT HAVE YOU DONE!?!?" Bhutan says, Pakistan grabs the box that contained his things and walks away into his room.

Maldives unpacks her things in her room, she walks out of her room and into the living room. She gasps as she saw Bhutan got his horns stuck in the wall and he's squirming and trying to pull out. She walks up to Bhutan. "Bhutan, what happened to you!?" She asks concerned as she helps Bhutan get his horns out the wall. Bhutan finally gets his horns out of the wall with the help of Maldives. "Oh I'll tell you! It was Pakistan!" Bhutan say as his expression changed to irritated and angry one. Maldives was shocked to hear this, "Pakistan? I mean I know I haven't really been around him a lot but I know he's a playful, funny person. It doesn't sound like him to do this to you.." Maldives says in a calm tone, she was puzzled on why Pakistan would do this to Bhutan since it was quite unusual of him..

Bhutan shakes his head, "Believe it or not, it was him! He came and shoved me at the wall! He's a wild animal! Pakistan is nothing but a corrupt terrori-" Maldives cuts him off by putting her finger on his lips. "Shh Bhutan, don't say stuff like that. I have a feeling that you've done something aswell." She retracts her hand and turns around to leave. "I'm gonna go to my room, away from this chaos" Maldives goes to her room and locks the door, she lays on her bed and slowly falls asleep.

Bhutan was still pissed off that Maldives didn't fully agree with him, so he storms off to the kitchen and eats Bhutanese snacks since eating calms him down.


India and Pakistan are fighting on who should have the room. "Listen, i'm going to have this room and you go have the other room okay!?" Pakistan says in a pissed off yet quiet tone. "No way! The other room is smaller! I deserve this room since I'm older than you!" India replies. "Too bad I already placed my stuff here!" Pakistan sit on the bed. "OH YOU MEAN THIS GARBAGE!?" India then throws Pakistan's lamp, breaking it. "MY LAMP! YOU MOTHERFU-" Bangladesh walks in angry, the two stopped and turn to Bangladesh in fear as they've never seen her this angry before. "YOU TWO SHUT UP! YOU TWO ALWAYS FIGHT!!! I'M TIRED OF HAVING TO DEAL WITH YOU!! INDIA JUST GET THE OTHER ROOM AND PAKISTAN HAS THIS ONE OKAY!?!?" She shouts. "But-" India and Pakistan stop as they see Bangladesh grab her slipper glaring at them in a menacing scary way. India walks out and unpacks his stuff at the other room. Bangladesh leaves and head to her room, while Pakistan lays on the floor and falls asleep.

Bhutan falls asleep on the kitchen table. Afghanistan was just sleeping on the couch this whole time, and Nepal was just sitting at the corner of the living room at 3am.

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