Pt. 1

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Whilst enjoying the companionship and the mind-challenging company of Ominis, she was not fond of his so called 'other half'. Sebastian had instantly earned himself a spot on her shit list. His rash and impulsive tendencies severely clashing with her gentle, deliberate ones.

His overzealous attitude regarding dangerous topics and behaviors had worried her, and when he wasn't planning his next scheme to land himself in detention, or worse Azkaban, he was simply... a pest. Constantly fidgety and while he could bury himself in a book he just HAD to make commentary on almost every sentence he read. Liana didn't understand why he couldn't just jot it down or simply keep it to the confines of his mind.

This upmost annoying behavior had only built every time they were in the same room together, and he was one of the young and not so gentlemanly boys who would comment on her childlike appearance and poke fun at her form, or lack there of. Constantly bullying her and disturbing her punctual routine. Sebastian had often been overheard telling his friends "Liana is like the most pesky and aggravating little sibling. It'd ease my soul if she would go away and stop hanging around Ominis." She normally brushed it off as his opinion meant nothing to her. But sometimes, the words chipped away at her.

Sebastians annoying actions had now grown and developed into something much more harsh, he became her own personal bully. He could often be seen tripping her just to see her sprawl on the ground, or cutting a hole in the bottom of her bag that would rip just enough by the time she was in the halls which were heavily polluted with other students, to spill all her books and it's contents all over the hallway ground.

She would repair the bag with a quick Reparo and would shove the items all back in and continue about her day with a flush of embarrassment, only causing the scenario to repeat itself quite often. Lia wasn't a pushover, she simply knew giving him any sort of reaction would only encourage his behavior.

Her friends would stick up for her as much as possible but even they couldn't constantly be at her side. However she did find herself rebelling slightly on rare occasion, as she would use various harmless charms or hex's. Some making a small sprout of a plant spring from the top of his head, or his shoes would mysteriously find a mind of their own. Just the slight retort to his constant bullying had made a small smile grace her face.

Ominis was amused at her retaliation, but had often been seen scolding the freckled trouble-maker, receiving no success as Sebastian has often given him false promises of a truce.

She usually had the patience to just ignore the pestering, but sometime around their fifth year the patient façade had worn thin.

During a study session the three of them had attended in the library, she found herself particularly vexed as Sebastian continued his irksome habit of narrating his book aloud after each fact he found to be even remotely entertaining or interesting. She always found herself in the second hand embarrassment of his obnoxiously loud voice amongst the peaceful silence of the other studying students. She felt borderline mortified just being in the same vicinity, all eyes of their table, other student clearing their throat as a not so subtle 'shut the fuck up'.

Liana has hypothesized that he had picked up on the fact that it annoyed her and had increased the intensity of each exclamation of a fact, tapping away on the table with his wand and bouncing his knee shaking the table as the other two tried to study. Annoyance had obviously plastered itself on Ominis's face but he was quite used to his best friend's actions so he said nothing.

But after a particularly unpleasant Quidditch practice in the rain and a lackluster night of sleep, leaving her exhausted and freezing cold, even after a change of clothes and a quick shower, Liana was beyond ill-tempered.

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 03 ⏰

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