16 - Spilled tea

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Changbin and Jisung stare at the empty hallway after Chan announced his plan to spend the day with Hyunjin in his room

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Changbin and Jisung stare at the empty hallway after Chan announced his plan to spend the day with Hyunjin in his room.

- Huh... - Jisung scoffs.

- Well I'll be damned... - adds Changbin.

Jisung pulls out his phone and aggressively presses a call button.

- Yeah babe, what's up? - Minho answers the call.

- When are you going to make me your boyfriend, huh? I'm tired of waiting, of loving you, and not being able to tell everyone just how much, you better be serious about us or I'm done with this secret thing, and I just can't...

- Whoa whoa, wait a minute. You know I love you.

- I know, but nobody believes me. They all think I'm some crazy, obsessed Jisung who's never going to have you. I'm tired of it, I want them to know you love me too just like Chan loves Hyunjin, and he's not worried at all about-

- Wait, what??

- What what?

- Chan and Hyunjin???

- Yes.

- Wow. Are you sure?

- Yeah, they locked themselves in Chan's room and we're not allowed to knock or anything.

All this time, Changbin listens and occasionally opens his eyes wider, not believing the words coming out of the phone. So Jisung was not joking, Minsung is real...

He pulls out his phone to message Felix, unaware that Felix is right now sitting next to Minho and equally stunned listens to Jisung's upset voice.

- I don't know Ji, maybe you misunderstood. Maybe they're working on a song or something.

- No they are not!! I told you, I saw them that time under the stage, they were swallowing each other's face, but nobody believes me anything.
I'm serious now. Take me on a proper date or we're done!

- What are you doing tonight?

- I don't know... I was gonna sort my clothes and work on a..
Oh! Oh! Oh! You mean... oook.
I am not doing anything.
I am free.

- I'm picking you up at 8. It's a date.

- Okie dokie. - Jisung giggles and blushes.

When he ends the call, he still smiles and hums a happy song, when finally he notices Changbin's presence.

- What?

- Nothing. I'm sorry I didn't believe you, Jisung.

- Sure, sure, no worries, it's not like I believed Felix when he told me about you two either.

- Well.... that's not... like...

- Well what? He accidentally fell into your hotel bed? He thought you were his body pillow? Please.
I saw you walking funny the next day.

- Jisung...

- It's all good Changbin, I know it's a secret.
Now would you excuse me, I have to get ready for my date, bye!

While passing by Chan's room, he hears a loud moan and gets startled a little.

- Oh wow Chan, don't kill him. We still need him in one piece. - he says to himself.

Meanwhile in Chan's room, Hyunjin just went through his first orgasm this morning and is panting vigorously. Chan wipes off his swollen lips and licks any final drops. He's very satisfied at the way Hyunjin loudly announced his climax to everyone.

- If they were not sure about what we're doing before, now they know for sure. - he laughs and plots to record him the next time, for his personal playlist.

- It's not my fault you do that thing with your tongue, and you, you, you... do that thing with the tongue... and, what the heck, I can't think straight! What did you do to me?

- I just gave you what you needed, some Chan love.

- Yeah, mhmm, you did do that.. - Hyunjin answers still slightly panting.

- Are you in any pain from last night?

- Huh? Aamm... no. No pain.

- Good. Now I need to feed you so we can do some more of that.
Let's take a shower and go out to eat. Then we'll come back here. You're my prisoner for the day.

- And we'll work on that song like you promised?

- Ah yes, the hard sexy song.
I might add some hot, steamy breaths to start the beat of that song.


There's one more chapter left,
my Hyunchan loves 💋💋.
If you like this story, check out
my other Hyunchan book -
"I Wanna Be Yours".
It's one of my favorites ❣️.


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