1. "i like you!"

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Those were the words Myung Jaehyun had shouted from the rooftop so embarrassingly that one day almost a week before. Sanghyeok had been the only other person outside the skate park, and in sheer panic, he rejected Jaehyun — but that wasn't enough to stop the boisterous extrovert named Myung Jaehyun. The two were still friends, except Jaehyun's relentless flirting had somehow gotten worse.

"Sanghyeok-ah, are you even listening to me?"

Sanghyeok blinked, meeting Sungho's eyes for a second before showing a sheepish smile. "Sorry, I'm just... I'm tired."

Sungho raised an eyebrow before quickly shaking his head. "So I guess you heard nothing of what I just told you, then? Anyway — Dongmin and tall guy in his class got together yesterday. He's got a boyfriend!"

"Oh, that's interesting," Sanghyeok hummed as he took a sip from the peach juice box in his hands. "Dongmin did come out to us as bisexual, in any case, so I'm glad he got together with someone. Who's his boyfriend?"

"Some guy named Seeun or something," Sungho answered. "My shift starts at 10, and Dongmin said he'd bring his boyfriend to the park for us to meet — he's really excited to be dating this guy, it looks like."

"Do you know what he looks like?" Sanghyeok asked, crossing his arms on top of the table. "I mean, let's be honest — Dongmin is probably our most attractive friend, and his standards would probably be really high."

"I doubt it — he's really shy and truthfully has no personal charisma apart from his face," Sungho hummed. "He can't flirt for shit, but would probably just receive confessions by being so freaking handsome. I would kiss him, but I don't like guys."

Sanghyeok raised his eyebrow for a moment before sipping from his juice. "I'm actually curious about this boyfriend of his. Did we see him when we were at school?"

"Probably," Sungho shrugged, standing up from the lunch table with a stretch of his arms above his head. Sanghyeok fell quiet again, causing Sungho to let out a little smile. "I wonder why you rejected Jaehyun. I thought you liked him."

"I didn't like Jaehyun," Sanghyeok corrected quickly with a frown. "I was confused for a moment because I could see that he likes me. Thank God I came to my senses because I can't date him. He's too close of a friend — it'd be weird."

Sungho put his palms to the table as he leaned forward. "You're not very smart, are you?"

"I don't like Jaehyun."

"Anyone can see that you like him," Sungho laughed. "Jaehyun is stupidly in love with you — you can tell by that embarrassing confession he did. He's not gonna shut up any time soon, either, so you might as well date him."

"What if I enjoy the fact that someone is pursuing me?" Sanghyeok asked, a small smile decorating his lips. Sungho widened his eyes in shock as Sanghyeok rested his head against his hand. "I think Jaehyun enjoys this, anyway. He's fond of being profound and loud, so he'd announce his feelings at any given opportunity."

"My beloved Sanghyeok!"

"... like that."

Sungho and Sanghyeok turned their attention to the entrance of the indoor skate park, waving to the excited boy that had just entered. Myung Jaehyun, some would say Sanghyeok's best friend, was grinning from ear to ear as he walked over to the two, his aged skateboard clasped in his left hand.

Sanghyeok remembered riddling the underside of that very skateboard with random stickers in the summer of their first middle school year — the first time he and Jaehyun had met. He was surprised that he had held onto that skateboard for so long. Most of the stickers were torn or faded, a long forgotten memory from their early teen years as friends.

"I didn't see you all day, baby," Jaehyun grinned, gently flicking Sanghyeok's chin with his hand. The other made a face, quickly pushing Jaehyun's hand away. "What are you two talking about?"

"Dongmin's new boyfriend," Sungho answered, earning a loud exclamation of shock from Jaehyun. "That's right — our pretty boy Dongmin has a boyfriend. He said he'd bring him by before my shift starts, but I have to leave in ten minutes if I want to make it to work in time."

"Stop flexing that you're employed," Sanghyeok complained, laughing when Sungho stuck his tongue out playfully. "Jaehyun-ah, you should get a new board."

"How could I? We decorated this one together," Jaehyun replied with a smile. Sanghyeok knew that would be his reason, but it still made him a little flustered. "Who is Dongmin's boyfriend, anyway? He never even mentioned ever having a crush on someone."

"Because he's so secretive," Sungho complained. "It doesn't matter, though, because he's still going to show him to us today. But wait a second — why are you here so early?"

Sungho's pointed stare startled Jaehyun for a moment. "I, uh... I managed to wake up early...?"

"Liar," Sungho frowned as he crossed his arms. "Tell me the truth."

Jaehyun and Sanghyeok met eyes, and the shorter immediately turned to Sungho. "Just trust him on this one, Sungho."

Sungho glared playfully at the two as he stepped backwards. "You two are hiding something from me, aren't you...? I'll get back to you after I pee."

"Take your time," Jaehyun called out as Sungho walked off to the bathroom. He met Sanghyeok's eyes, his signature flirty smile immediately overtaking any worry he had in his eyes before. "I missed you, baby."

"Don't call me that," Sanghyeok said quickly. "Be honest with me, though — why are you here so early? It's difficult for you to get out of your bed before 2pm."

Jaehyun looked down at the floor for a moment before smiling rather softly. "I wanted to see you."

There was a moment of silence before Sanghyeok hit Jaehyun's arm. "Stop doing that."

"You know I can't stop liking you, Sanghyeok," Jaehyun said, his eyes becoming serious for a moment. "I really mean it — I, like, really like you. I don't expect you to like me back, but I have to let you know."

"You know better than anyone why we can't be together, Jaehyun. Even if I did like you, it'd be a burden to both of us."

"I'll convince you one day," Jaehyun smiled, standing up from the bench with a grin. "Lee Sanghyeok!"

"Oh, my God..."

"You will be mine!"

"Shut up!"

Sungho watched the two with a small smile, sighing as he leaned against the wall beside him. "I hope Sanghyeok accepts him one day."

 my sweetest love // bnd hyeokmyungzWhere stories live. Discover now