The 1st Encounter

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In a classroom, Miyuki can be seen typing something inside his laptop. As the red-haired teen got deep in his thought, the sound of a hand slam on his desk snapped him out of his mind. Looking upward, Fuutaro can be seen with an expression that only could be described as extreme happiness. His face is as bright as the sun. Miyuki can only conclude that, whatever Raiha had told him, it's something pleasant.

Miyuki can only sigh at his friend's troubled face. "Your face right now puts The Great Sun in second place. What's wrong? Did you win a lottery or something?" Miyuki looked at Fuutaro's happy face. His genuine happy face could even rival those who win a Nobel Prize.

"Raiha told me that Dad found a well-paid job for me. We may finally pay off our debt. They even pay 5 times the market price." Fuutaro said with a smile on his face.

 I am really happy for them, It's not really good news, but this is better than what it used to be. Uesugi family had a really big debt after their mother passed away, and a single-father household found it extremely hard to meet their monthly expense. I once offered some money to help Isanari-san pay off their debt, but they always refused it. The only way that I can help is to pay the expenses of Raiha and Fuutaro without Isanari knowing.

"Well? What kind of job do you get? It must be hard since they even offered you 5 times the market price" Miyuki asked, while his hands busy typing down on his keyboard.

"I need to tutor my employer's daughter. Her name is Nakano Itsuki." Miyuki's body froze up as soon he heard that.

"Hey, Miyuki. What's wrong? You suddenly being quiet?" Fuutaro asked. The young red-haired teen can only smirk at his friend's question.

"Nothing. I wish you all luck in this world." that was the last word of the young Miyuki said.

Right on cue, the classroom door opened and all student went back to their respective seat. Miyuki turned off his laptop and slid it into his bag pack. A middle-aged teacher and a girl in a black school uniform enter the classroom. A bunch of whispers such as "Who is that", "A new student?" and "It's a girl" can be heard inside the class. 

"Class! This is your new classmate, care to introduce yourself dear?" the teacher asks.

"I'm Nakano Itsuki. I hope we can get along.". Miyuki can be seen smirking to himself.

(Fuutaro POV)

I make an extremely big mistake. The girl that I was supposed to tutor is her, Nakano Itsuki. I'm finished. Now I get why Miyuki wished me luck. 


(Miyuki POV)

"One Yakiniku set witho-"

"One Yakiniku beef set Ma'am. And just ignore his demand" I swear our conversation is almost a comedy for this cafeteria lady. Can't blame her, I also would find it amusing if I were in her shoes. Interestingly enough, Fuutaro doesn't bother to refuse me to pay. He must have a lot on his mind.

I let him walk first and find a table while I ordered my drink. If someone takes a glance at him, he is no different from a zombie in movies. Must be about that tutor gig. Even yesterday, Itsuki seemed to ignore him. I still can remember that glare. Scary.

As I received my drink, I walked toward Fuutaro, who was standing next to the table where Itsuki was sitting. I look towards her, and I swear she gives Fuutaro the most devilish and fake smile I have ever seen. I walk toward her table, and as soon as I arrive, Fuutaro walks away without looking back. So he didn't notice me.

I stand next to Itsuki and greet her "It's good to see you Itsuki-san. How's school?"

"It's great, especially the food." Why I'm not surprised?

"Pretty obvious actually," I said while looking at her food. She makes the food in the cafeteria look like a 5-star restaurant. As soon as she noticed what I said, she started to pout. 

"You meanie, are trying to insult me too?" I can't do anything except smirk at her expression. Kawaii.

I glance to my right and see 3 other girls that have almost similar faces to Itsuki. Quite identical if I must say. All of them looked at me like I had the words 'stupid' written on my forehead. "Is there something on my face?"

All of them just shook their head and muttered 'no'. Are they siblings? Before I can ask, a voice that I am familiar with asks me a question.

"Ara Ara~. Are you also interested in Itsuki? Tell me, what makes you attracted to her? Her face? Beauty? Personality?"

"Ah, Nakano Ichika- san. It's nice to meet you here." the said girl looks quite surprised, the same goes for her sibling. 

"Have we ever met?" she asked. Even her siblings wanted to know the same thing.

"Yes, we did. At one of your part-time jobs if I'm not mistaken." As the words left my mouth, a worried expression could be seen across his face. So they don't know. "You are quite a hard worker despite being a student. I admire that."

"Ah-ha ha ha. Is that so? Thank you." she then glances towards my clothes. "Why are you wearing your blazer? Wasn't it still summer?" she asked.

"I prefer to wear long sleeves, don't like to expose my skin"

A wave of 'Ohhh' can be heard from the siblings. As they try to open their mouth again, I cut them again, "Let me guess, Nino-san, Miku-san, and Yotsuba-san. Am I correct?"

"How did you know?!"

"Are you a magician?!"

"Is he a stalker?"

I deadpaned at their question. Seriously, stalker? I don't wear a black cap. "The active new transfer, the new silent transfer, and the new socialize transfer." I pointed at Yotsuba, Miku, and Nino. "I heard some gossip about a bunch of transfer students. And their name is Nakano. So I'll conclude that you all are siblings or cousins." I conclude my explanation.


"Ah, Miyuki-san, I need to cancel my request since my father said that he already signed a tutor for us. I'm sorry"

"There's nothing to apologize for. Have a good study session. Bye." I said before going to find a seat.

"Good luck Fuutaro."


I was about to go back to my apartment until I received a phone call from Fuutaro. I pick it up, only to be greeted by a nervous voice. "Miyuki, are you busy right now? I need help. IMMEDIATELY." this guy sounds serious. 

"Fortunately, I'm not. Is it about the tutor gig." a silent pause can be heard on the line. "Send me the location."

As soon as I received the address, I took a taxi ride to the place that he emailed. It's not that far, but I feel lazy and want to save time.

I soon then arrived at the said location. I then opened my email and saw a message that told me he was already in the building. Before I could turn off my phone, I was greeted by a familiar voice.

"Miyuki-kun" Oh, Miku.

(3rd POV)

Miku and Nino were about to enter the apartment when Miku saw a familiar face. "Nino, isn't that Miyuki-san?" she said while pointing toward the young man that busy with his phone.

Before Nino could reply, Miku already walked towards Miyuki and tapped his shoulder. "Miyuki-kun," 

Miyuki then instantly turns his head toward the silent girl. A relieved expression is all over his face. He greets Miku and both of them then walk towards Nino. The expression on Nino's face could be described as confused and annoyed. 

"What are you doing here? Stalking someone?" Nino said. Her glare is on Miyuki.

"My friends are at this apartment right now actually. Trying to find him." Miyuki replied.

Before he could continue his explanation, he was greeted by another familiar Nakano. "Oh~, Miyuki. What are you doing here? Try to find Itsuki, is it? Or are you targeting Miku and Nino?" Ichika asked.

Miyuki sighed at Ichika's teasing. "A) I try to find my friend. B)No. C)No, and D) I prefer someone older than me. Did I answer your question?" he asked.

All the Nakano can only be deadpaned at his reply. "So Straightforward!!" the girls thought. Before any of them could say more, Miyuki looked at his phone and somehow looked even more fed up.

"I need help," he said. "My friend got lost on the 30th floor. Could you guys help me?" he asked with a pleading expression. 

"Well, that's also our destination. How about we go together." Ichika suggested. All of them agree, but Nino seems reluctant until she is pushed by Yotsuba. 

All of them entered the building and got into the elevator. While in there, the Nakanos keep asking questions of young Mudou.

"Don't you feel hot wearing a blazer?"

"What's your hobby?"

"Where do you live?" etc. All of them were left unanswered.....
until they reached a question that made the kid snap out of his thoughts.

"What your parent do for a living?"

Miyuki could feel a sudden wave of anger washed over him when he heard the question. He immediately calms himself down. "These girls just asking questions. They don't know anything." he thought to himself.

"I don't have parents. They put me in an orphanage when I was younger." his answer made the entire elevator fall into silence. " The caretaker said she found me wrapped in a red blanket in a basket with a piece of paper that wrote my name 'Miyuki Mudou'. I once hated them, but that feeling is already gone."

"Sorry to hear that," Ichika, Nino, and Yotsuba said in unison.

"Don't need to. I decided to share my past. It's my fault. We already arrived." he said while patting Yotsuba's head. All of them step out of the elevator, only to be greeted by Fuutaro and Itsuki who is on the floor. Miyuki was smirking, watching the siblings accuse Fuutaro of being a stalker. 

"So the five of you, school friends shared an apartment, huh?" Fuutaro said, earning a giggle from his only friend. 

"Fuutaro, I think you misunderstood one thing. You see all five of them are actually...


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