1. Teasing, Love and Scars Healed (Minsung)

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Jisung and Minho had been inseparable since the day they met. Their love was like a warm, comforting embrace that enveloped them in a world of shared jokes, laughter, and affection. It was a lazy Saturday afternoon, and the two found themselves lounging on Jisung's cozy couch, surrounded by the soft hum of the TV in the background.

Jisung, always the playful one, couldn't resist teasing Minho. With a mischievous glint in his eyes, he turned to his boyfriend and grinned. "Hey there, my little kitten," he said, his voice dripping with playful sweetness.

Minho, who was engrossed in his book, looked up with a raised eyebrow. "Kitten? Seriously, Jisung?"

Jisung chuckled and reached out to ruffle Minho's hair affectionately. "Yes, kitten. You're just so cute, and you know it."

Minho pouted in mock indignation, his lips forming an adorable little frown. "I'm not a kitten. I'm a grown man."

Jisung couldn't help but smirk. "Oh, really? Let's see about that."

With that, Jisung playfully started peppering kisses on Minho's cheek, making kitten-like sounds as he went. Minho squirmed under the attention, letting out an involuntary whimper that only fueled Jisung's teasing.

"See, you're practically purring," Jisung teased, continuing his onslaught of affection.

As they continued their lazy afternoon, Jisung couldn't help but notice the scars on Minho's arms – reminders of battles fought in the past. His eyes filled with a mixture of love and concern as he gently traced his fingers over the scars.

"You're so brave, Minho," Jisung whispered, pressing gentle kisses on each scar. "I love every part of you, even the parts that carry pain."

Minho's eyes welled up with tears, touched by Jisung's words and actions. He pulled Jisung into a tight embrace, savoring the warmth and comfort that only Jisung could provide.

But Jisung wasn't finished. He continued his exploration, placing soft kisses on Minho's pretty chubby feet, admiring every inch of him. His lips trailed up to Minho's Adam's apple, leaving a trail of warmth that made Minho shiver with delight. Jisung's lips then landed on Minho's sharp nose and cute doe eyes, showering him with affection.

Minho couldn't help but feel overwhelmed by the love he received. His heart swelled with gratitude for having Jisung by his side, healing the wounds of the past with each tender kiss.

Feeling mischievous, Minho decided to turn the tables. He looked into Jisung's eyes, a glint of mischief reflecting in his own.

"Squirrel," Minho said with a teasing grin, using the nickname he knew Jisung secretly adored.

Jisung gasped in mock offense. "Hey! I told you not to use that nickname!"

But Minho simply leaned in and pressed a soft kiss on Jisung's chubby cheeks, making him melt with affection. Jisung couldn't stay mad for long, especially when faced with Minho's irresistible charm.

Minho continued his retaliation, his lips trailing down to Jisung's narrow waist. He knew that Jisung had been bullied in the past for being perceived as feminine, and Minho was determined to show him that every part of him was beautiful.

"Your waist is perfect, just like the rest of you," Minho whispered, planting sweet kisses along the curve of Jisung's waist.

Jisung felt a surge of emotion, a mixture of vulnerability and love. Minho's actions were a balm to the wounds of his past, and he couldn't be more grateful for the understanding and acceptance that Minho showered upon him.

Their playful banter continued, a dance of affection and laughter that echoed through the walls of their shared space. Each nickname and kiss served as a testament to the strength of their bond, a bond that had weathered storms and emerged even stronger.

As the lazy afternoon turned into a tranquil evening, Jisung and Minho found solace in each other's arms. The scars of the past were still there, but they were no longer burdens – they were markers of resilience and healing. The love they shared was a force that transcended the pain, a love that whispered promises of a future filled with joy and acceptance.

In the quiet moments that followed, as the sun dipped below the horizon, Jisung and Minho basked in the glow of their love, cherishing the simple yet profound moments that defined their journey together.

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